In: Statistics and Probability
a) From the given the dependent variable for the research is wage which is continuous variable.So we are going to setup a multiple regression model.
With Dependent variable : wage
Independent variables : Educational level,Hourly earnings,Age,Gender,Years of experience,Years with present company,Size of the company.
To build a regression model we need to convert categorical variables to numerical by one hot encoding/dummification.
Here I dont have any data to build model
Education levels are converted to three columns using Dummification technique,Gender is encoded as Male:1,Female:0.
b)Here considering PHD as education level-1 based on the regression coefficient of edu level 1 we can predict the impact of PHD on wage.
c)Based on the estimated coefficients of regression equation
represents the minimum wage offered by a company with out
considering any factors. Its like basic wage
In general if regression coefficients are positive then wage is directly proportional to independent variable or visa-versa.
Based on the magnitude of the regression coefficient we can infer about the effect of independent variable on the wage.
d)One concern is on the inflation level and any recision going on.