
In: Computer Science

Write an algorithm to create seven subroutines (functions) described in the following and call them in...

Write an algorithm to create seven subroutines (functions) described in the following and call them in the main function

  1. To generate 100 random numbers between 1-100 in a randomData.txt file
  2. To read the 100 random numbers from randomData.txt and store them in an array
  3. Print the data in the array
  4. Find the smallest and the largest of the random numbers and their array position
  5. Insert an element of value100 in the 51th position of the array
  6. Delete all the elements of the array having values between 50-80 and print the residual array
  7. Sort the data in the final array(residual) in ascending order and print


Expert Solution


// C++ Code


using namespace std;

void generateRandomNumbers(ofstream *fout){
// generating 100 random numbers between 1 to 100 and storing them in randomData.txt file
int i,r;
r = rand()%100 + 1;
*fout << r << endl;

void readRandomNumbers(ifstream *fin,int *randArray){
for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
*fin >> randArray[i];

void printRandomArray(int *randArray){
cout << "The elements of Random array are : { ";
for(int i=0;i<99;i++){
cout << randArray[i] << ",";
cout << randArray[99] << " }" << endl << endl;

void FindMaxMinRandArray(int *randArray){
int maxNum,minNum,maxIndex,minIndex;
maxNum = randArray[0];
minNum = randArray[0];
maxIndex = 0;
minIndex = 0;
for(int i=1;i<100;i++){
if(maxNum < randArray[i]){
maxNum = randArray[i];
maxIndex = i;
if(minNum > randArray[i]){
minNum = randArray[i];
minIndex = i;
cout << "The maximum Number in the random Array is " << maxNum << " at index " << maxIndex << endl;
cout << "The minimum Number in the random Array is " << minNum << " at index " << minIndex << endl;

void insertElementInRandArray(int *randArray){
// Element has to inserted at 51-th position in Array
// Since, the array is 0-indexed, 51-th position corresponds to 50-th index
randArray[50] = 100;

int deleteElements(int *randArray){

// Delete elements between 50-80(both inclusive) in the array
// Let k be the number of deleted elements in the array
// the function returns 100 - k

int temp,i,j;
i = -1;
// if the element is < 50 and > 80, swap with i-th element
if(randArray[j] < 50 || randArray[j] > 80){
i = i+1;
temp = randArray[j];
randArray[j] = randArray[i];
randArray[i] = temp;
//delete the numbers from (i+1) to n
//here i set them to be simply 0
randArray[j] = 0;

return (i+1);

void sortResidualArray(int *randArray,int n){
int i,j,minIndex,minNumber,temp;
minIndex = i;
minNumber = randArray[i];
if(minNumber > randArray[j]){
minNumber = randArray[j];
minIndex = j;
// swap the elements at minIndex and i
temp = randArray[minIndex];
randArray[minIndex] = randArray[i];
randArray[i] = temp;

//print the sorted Array
cout << endl << "The sorted elements of Random array are : { ";
cout << randArray[i] << ",";
cout << randArray[i] << " }" << endl << endl;

int main(){
int i,j,n;
ofstream fout;"randomData.txt");
ifstream fin;"randomData.txt");
int *randArray = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*100);
n = deleteElements(randArray);
cout << endl << "The Remaining Number of elements in the residual array are " << n << endl;



// Screenshot of output


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