
In: Computer Science

A very common application of arrays is computing statistics on lists of numbers. Below you will...

A very common application of arrays is computing statistics on lists of numbers. Below you will find a template of a program that uses four user-defined methods: input an array of numbers, compute the average the array, find the largest number in the array, and find the smallest number in the array. Enter the following program into C# (ignore the line numbers) and replace the lines marked with // *** with the appropriate C# code (may require more than one line of code to complete the missing parts).

// Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
// Student Number: xxxxxxx
// Lab 4, Part 2
// Program Description: This program uses four user-defined methods: one
//    to input an array of numbers, one to compute the average the array, one 
//    to find the largest number in the array, and one to find the smallest 
//    number in the array.
using System;
public static class Lab4_2
   public static void Main()
      int[] compStats = new int[25];
      int n = 0, large, small;
      double avg = 0;
      // Input values into the array
      InpArray(compStats, ref n);

      // Find the average of the elements in the array
      // *** Insert the code for the call to the FindAverage method
      // Find the largest element in the array
      // *** Insert the code for the call to the FindLarge method
      // Find the largest element in the array
      // *** Insert the code of the call to the FindSmall method
      // Print out the results
      Console.WriteLine("\nThe Average of the array is {0:F}", avg);
      // *** Insert the code to print out the largest and smallest values
      // Pause until user is done
   // Method:       InpArray
   // Description:  Input values into an array.
   // Parameters:   arrValues: the array to fill.
   //               num: number of elements in the array.
   // Returns:      void
   public static void InpArray(int[] arrValues, ref int num)
      // input the number of data values to put in the array
          Console.Write("Enter the number of elements (<= 25) => ");
          num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
      } while (num < 0 || num > 25);
      // loop to enter the values
      for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
          Console.Write("Enter the Element {0} => ", i);
          arrValues[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
   // Method:       FindAverage
   // Description:  Computes the average of the elements in the array.
   // Parameters:   arrVals: array to be processed
   //               num: number of elements in the array.
   // Returns:      the average of the elements in the array
   public static double FindAverage(int[] arrVals, int num)
      // *** Insert the details of the FindAverage Method
   // Method:       FindLarge
   // Description:  Determines the largest element in the array.
   // Parameters:   arrVals: array to be processed
   //               num: number of elements in the array.
   // Returns:      the largest element in the array
   public static int FindLarge(int[] arrVals, int num)
      // *** Insert the details of the FindLarge Method
   // Method:       FindSmall
   // Description:  Determines the smallest element in the array.
   // Parameters:   arrVals: array to be processed
   //               num: number of elements in the array.
   // Returns:      the smallest element in the array
   public static int FindSmall(int[] arrVals, int num)
      // *** Insert the details of the FindSmall Method


Expert Solution

C# Code:

// Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
// Student Number: xxxxxxx
// Lab 4, Part 2
// Program Description: This program uses four user-defined methods: one
// to input an array of numbers, one to compute the average the array, one
// to find the largest number in the array, and one to find the smallest
// number in the array.

using System;
public static class Lab4_2
public static void Main()
int[] compStats = new int[25];
int n = 0, large, small;
double avg = 0;

// Input values into the array
InpArray(compStats, ref n);

// Find the average of the elements in the array
avg = FindAverage(compStats, n);

// Find the largest element in the array
large = FindLarge(compStats, n);

// Find the largest element in the array
small = FindSmall(compStats, n);

// Print out the results
Console.WriteLine("\nThe Average of the array is {0:F}", avg);
Console.WriteLine("\nThe Largest of the array is {0}", large);
Console.WriteLine("\nThe Smallest of the array is {0}", small);

// Pause until user is done

// Method: InpArray
// Description: Input values into an array.
// Parameters: arrValues: the array to fill.
// num: number of elements in the array.
// Returns: void
public static void InpArray(int[] arrValues, ref int num)
// input the number of data values to put in the array
Console.Write("Enter the number of elements (<= 25) => ");
num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
} while (num < 0 || num > 25);

// loop to enter the values
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
Console.Write("Enter the Element {0} => ", i);
arrValues[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

// Method: FindAverage
// Description: Computes the average of the elements in the array.
// Parameters: arrVals: array to be processed
// num: number of elements in the array.
// Returns: the average of the elements in the array
public static double FindAverage(int[] arrVals, int num)
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
sum += arrVals[i];
return sum / num;

// Method: FindLarge
// Description: Determines the largest element in the array.
// Parameters: arrVals: array to be processed
// num: number of elements in the array.
// Returns: the largest element in the array
public static int FindLarge(int[] arrVals, int num)
int large = arrVals[0];
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
if(large< arrVals[i])
large = arrVals[i];
return large;

// Method: FindSmall
// Description: Determines the smallest element in the array.
// Parameters: arrVals: array to be processed
// num: number of elements in the array.
// Returns: the smallest element in the array
public static int FindSmall(int[] arrVals, int num)
int small = arrVals[0];
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
if (small > arrVals[i])
small = arrVals[i];

return small;

Sample Output:

Enter the number of elements (<= 25) => 5
Enter the Element 0 => 15
Enter the Element 1 => 23
Enter the Element 2 => 456
Enter the Element 3 => 23
Enter the Element 4 => 10

The Average of the array is 105.40

The Largest of the array is 456

The Smallest of the array is 10

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