
In: Biology

A sixty year old man is found comatose. He has dry mucus membranes and a blood...

A sixty year old man is found comatose. He has dry mucus membranes and a blood glucose level of 650 mg/dL but no ketones in blood. A urine dipstick test is positive for glucose but negative for ketones. What would be your diagnosis and why?


Expert Solution


From the primary analysis (blood glucose level >650 mg/dL) it is diagnosed that the patient is suffering from Diabetic Hypersmolar Syndrome(DHS), which lead to Diabetic Comatose.

In diabetic hypersmolar syndrome,the high level of blood glucose turns the blood into thick and syrupy consistency.When the excess glucose passes into the urine,it triggers filteration process that draws huge amount of body fluids,leading to extreme dehyration and ultimately diabetic coma.Around 25-50% of people with DHS develops a comatose.

However, other than DHS, Diabetic Ketoacidosis can also lead to diabetic coma.In diabetic ketoacidosis high blood glucose levels results into builing up of dangerously high levels of acidic substances called ketones in the body.IT can be confirmed by a clinical blood or urine examination for the presence of Ketones. Since, in the situation above, the patient's urine test for the presence of ketones came out negative.We confirmed that he was not suffering from Diabetic Ketoacidosis.

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