
In: Computer Science

''' File: Author: JD ''' class Node: #ADT        def __init__(self, p = None):             ...



Author: JD


class Node: #ADT

       def __init__(self, p = None):

    = ""

    = self.age = int(0)

             self.smoker = self.HBP = self.HFD = self.points = int(0)

    = None

             #if list not empty

             if p != None:

           = self


ptrFront = ptrEnd = None

choice = int(0)

def menu():

       print( "\n\tLL Health Clinic\n\n")

       print( "1. New patient\n")

       print( "2. View patient by SS#\n")

       print( "3. Update patient's record\n")

       print( "4. Quit the App\n\n")

       print( "Enter your choice: ")

def getChoice():

       choice = int(input(""))

       # Validate the menu selection

       while ((choice < 1) or (choice > 4)):

             print( "Please enter 1, 2, 3, or 4: ")

             choice = int(input(""))

       return choice

def getInfo(ptr):                            #Populate the record = input("Enter patient's name: ")

       ptr.age = int(input("Enter age: ")) = int (input("Enter patient's SS: "))

       habits = input("Enter habits 1/0: smoker, HBP, HFD:").split()

       ptr.smoker, ptr.HBP, ptr.HFD = map(int, habits)


# implement flowchart here

def calPoints(ptr):


def searchBySS(ptr, ssKey):     #search by SS


def dispPatient(ptr):                  #disp record


def updatepatinet(ptr):                #update any habits (smoking, HBP, HFD)

       pass                                                #recalculate points

def processChoice(choice):

       ptr = None

       global ptrEnd

       global ptrFront

       # Procee based on user input


       if choice == 1:    #New patinet

             if (ptrEnd == None):

                    ptrEnd = ptrFront = Node(ptrEnd)


                    ptrEnd = Node(ptrEnd)


             getInfo(ptrEnd)    #Populate the record

       elif choice == 2: #case 2 find patient

             key = int(input("Enter SS: "))

             if (ptr == searchBySS(ptrFront, key)):



                          print ("\nRecord not found\n\n")

       elif choice == 3:         #case 3 update patient

             key = int(input("Enter SS: "))

             if (ptr == searchBySS(ptrFront, key)):



                          cout<<"\nRecord not found\n\n";


def main():

       do = bool(True)

       while(do == True):


             choice = getChoice()

             if choice == 4:

                    do = False



#call main


KEEP THE PYTHON CODE AS IT IS and try the python singly linked list code first and ask questions.

Secondly implement the functions having just "pass" one at a time and fully test and move on to next function.

"calPoints function" is implemented based on the flowchart you will find in the announcement section.


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