
In: Biology

1. What differences exist between covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrogen bonds?

1. What differences exist between covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrogen bonds?

2. Describe what condition exists in water molecules that make them dipolar. In addition, draw several water molecules and label (1) the polarity on each molecule, (2) where hydrogen bonds would form, (3) where the covalent bonds exist.


Expert Solution

Ans1) Ionic bonds are formed by the complete losing or sharing of electrons between two elements while covalent bonds are formed by the sharing of electrons .There is no actual transfer of electrons between the two atoms in a covalent bond .On the other hand hydrogen bond is formed by bonding of highly electronegative elements like F,O and N with H.

Among the three of these ionic bond is the strongest then comes covalent bond and hydrogen bond is the weakest.

Ionic bond is formed between electropositive and electronegative elements while in a covalent bond no such polarity is taken into consideration only the sharing of electrons takes place.

In a hydrogen bond the bond is formed between and electronegative element and hydrogen element.

Ans2) A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.Since oxygen is highly electronegative as compared to hydrogen therefore a partial negative charge is developed at the oxygen and of the water molecule. While the other end develops a partial positive charge .Due to this there is the presence of a dipole moment in the water molecule.

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