
In: Nursing

CASE SCENARIO: An 80 year-old woman fell in her home. She is evaluated in the emergency...


An 80 year-old woman fell in her home. She is evaluated in the emergency room and is found to have a hip fracture. She was recently started with hydrocholorothiazide to treat her hypertension. She has been on an SSRI for depression following the loss of her husband and is taking NSAIDs for pain associated with osteoarthritis. Her vitals are stable. She is lethargic and disoriented but otherwise appears well. Laboratory works reveals Na – 105 mEq/L, K – 3.2 mEq/L, BUN – 32 mg/dL, Creatinine – 1.0 mg/dL.

1. Develop a Nursing care plan (ADPIRE, Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning-short term and long term goal, Intervention-Rationale, Evaluation) for this patient based on the scenario


Expert Solution

1. Acute pain related to movement of bone fragments as evidenced by reports of pain.


Subjective data:-

The patient has complaints that she is having pain in the hip

Objective data:-

The patient looks tired and facial expression alike pain

Acute pain related to movement of bone as evidenced by reports of pain

Long term goal:-

5 day after the nursing care the patient will be free from pain and back to the early satge

Short term goal:-

After 3 hours of nursing care the patient pain will reduce

  1. Assess the base line data
  2. Check the level of pain by using th epain scale
  3. Provide comfortable position to the patient
  4. Provide diversional therapy
  5. Place the patinet on the orthropedic bed
  6. Suppot the fracture site with comfort devices
  7. Administer the anagesics as per the doctor's order
  1. To know the current condition of the patient
  2. To know the intensity of pain
  3. To reduce the pain
  4. To divert the patient mind from pain
  5. Helps to provide traction properly
  6. Improve the comfortness and reduce the pain
  7. To reduce the pain

Goal met

The patient's pain has been reduced as evidenced by the pain scale meassurement

2. Impaired physical activity related to arthritis as evidenced by the inability to move.


Subjective data:-

The patient is always asking for the help and compaints about the joint pain

Objective data:-

The patient is having

  • Inability to move
  • Pain while moving
Impaired physical activity related to arthritis as evidenced by the inability to move

Long term goal:-

After one week of nursing interventions the patient will be able to move without any help and perform the activities of daily living independantly

Short term goal:

After 3 hours of nursing interventions the patinet will be reduced the inability to move and will be back to the early life

  1. Assess the general condition of the patient
  2. Check the factors which interfere with movement
  3. Provide support to the patinet
  4. Teach some exercise
  5. Administer antibiotics as per the doctors order
  1. To know the baseline data
  2. To reduce the interfering factors related to easy movements
  3. To do the ADL by own
  4. To improve the early recovery
  5. To reduce the arthritis

Goal met

The patinet is able to do the ADL by her own as evidenced by the patient is not calling for the help always.

3. Risk for decreased cardiac output related to hypertension.


Subjective data:-

The patinet complains that shre is very tired and feeling palpitation always

Objective data:-

  • Increased BP
  • Disorientation
  • Lethargy
Risk for decreased cardiac output related to hypertension

Long term goal:-

After 5 days of nursing interventions the patient's blood pressure will become normal ane she will go back to the early stage of life

Short term goal:-

After 3 hours of the nursng interventions the BP will be back to the normal stage

  1. Assess the baseline data
  2. Check the creatinine level
  3. Check the vital sings
  4. Auscultate the heart sound
  5. Provide a calm and quite environment
  6. Teach the yoga and exercices
  7. Administer the antihypertensive drugs
  1. To know the general condition of the patient
  2. Increased creatinine level indicates a sign of hypertension
  3. To know the funtions of the vital organs
  4. To know the heart disturbances
  5. To provide the relaxation
  6. Induce relaxation
  7. To reduce the blood pressure

Goal met

The patinet hypertention is reduced as evidenced by the blood pressure monitor

4. Risk for bedsore related to hip fracture as evidenced by impaired skin integrity.


Subjective data:-

The patient compaints about irritationa nd pain in the boney prominences

Objective data:-

  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Cyanosis
Risk for the bedsore related to hip fracture as evidenced by impaired skin integrity

Long term goal:-

After 7 days of nursing interventions the risk fore bed sore will be reduced and the patient will be back to the early stage

Short term goal:-

After 2 hours of nursing care the risk factors for bed sore will be removed and the patient will be back to the normal stage

  1. Assess the baseline data
  2. Inspect the skin for any sign of bedsore
  3. Boney prominence for the risk of bedsore
  4. Change the position of the patient freequently
  5. Provide the skin care
  6. Provide wrinkle free bed
  1. To know the general condition of the patient and skin integrity
  2. To findout the bedsore before its occurance and prevevt it
  3. To reduce the presure and friction at the boney prominences
  4. To prevent the bedsore
  5. To inmprove the circulation
  6. To prevent the friction

Goal met

The risk for bed sore is prevented as evidenced by the healthy skin integrity.

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