
In: Nursing

4. Mr Jo is 52 years old; He was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain,...

4. Mr Jo is 52 years old; He was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain, constipation and weight loss. As a result of the diagnostic examinations, a tumor was found in the descending colon. However, no complete information was given to the patient and his family. Doctors decided to operate and to open a stoma in surgery. They did not evaluate the patient socially and environmentally. The patient signed the consent form (But he didn’t understand exactly why he signed it) and operated. However, it was not stated in the consent form that a stoma would be opened. (10 p.)

       a) This is the traditional care approach.   (   ) Yes       (   )   No

       b) Apply the "Holistic approach model" that should be for this patient?

5. a) How should your behavior be when you enter a meeting environment?

     b) How should your behavior be when you enter a patient's room?

     c)What are the behavioral differences that should exist between these two environments? (10 p.)

6. What is creativity? Explain the difference with innovation. ( 5 p.)

7. What should the nurse do to have a flexible brain and be creative for the patient? (10 p.)

8. How would you explain the artistic and therapeutic use of body language? (10p.)

9. “If a person can feel pain, he is alive. If he can feel someone else's pain, it is human. " TOLSTOY.    What does Tolstoy want to tell in this sentence? Comment in terms of patient / nurse communication


Expert Solution

a. yes, it is a traditional care approach as the physician is the sole person to make the treatment decions

b. holistic approach consists of caring and meeting the needs of patient in terms of physical, mental, social and spiritual health. physical needs could include food, water, elimination, sleep, activities of daily living. emotional needs could be psychological support, reducing fear and anxiety related to hospitalization and surgery. social needs could be meeting one's family, interaction with significant others. spiritual needs could be providing undconditonal regard and support to reduce the denial and spiritual pain.



  • be clear and brief
  • respect each other's job positions
  • maintain professional etiquettes
  • avoid ego clashes
  • reduce communication gap by clarification and rephrasing
  • respect each others cultural background


  • greet your patient
  • introduce yourself
  • explain the purpose of your visit
  • use therapeutic communication techniques such as congruence, positive regard
  • use active listening
  • use unnecessary gestures and facial grimacing


in the work area, the relationship is professional and must follow certain etiquettes, discipline and everyone must have unique function based on the roles and responsbilities. but the environment where a patient has to be encountered must be therapeutic and must focus on safety, privacy, confidentiality and rapport building and all involved in the care of the patient must have only one goal which is to improve patient outcomes.

6. creativity is defined as ability to create a new idea. innovation is making a change in anything that is already existing.

7. nurse can provide different activities everyday for the patient. surprise events could be conducted for diversion from stress. reschedule the actiivties. provide food for the patient according to his likes and preferences.

8. artistic use of body is the expression of art through body and therapeutic use of body is the use of various facial expressions and gestures to make sure that you are interested to talk and understand the patient's problems such asnodding head, leaning forward, maintaining eye contact and open posture, and being relaxed while talking.

9. in terms of nurse patient communication, this means that empathy has to be felt by the nurse when a patient express his or her feelings related to the problems faced during the illness. being empathetic means putting oneself in other person's situation.

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