
In: Accounting

One Laptop per Child Nicholas Negroponte is the founder of the MIT Media Lab and has...

One Laptop per Child Nicholas Negroponte is the founder of the MIT Media Lab and has spent his career pushing the edge of the information revolution as an inventor, thinker, and angel investor. His latest project, One Laptop per Child, plans to build $100 laptops that he hopes to put in the hands of millions of children in developing countries around the globe. The XO (the "$100 laptop") is a wireless, Internet-enabled, pedal-powered computer costing roughly $100. What types of competitive advantages could children gain from Negroponte's $100 laptop? What types of issues could result from the $100 laptop? Explain each of the efficiency metrics and effectiveness metrics that are required for each laptop to be considered successful.


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Ans -1 ) Competitive Advantages from Laptop

Any brand needs to have strong sources of competitive advantage to acquire a leadership position in the technology industry. There can be several sources of competitive advantage in the laptop and PC industry. The industry has grown highly competitive and sometimes a small innovation can change the fate of a newly launched product. It is why apart from hardware efficiency, consumer convenience has also come to play a key role in deciding success. Price is also a key factor that affects competitiveness in the PC industry. This is a discussion of how brands can achieve competitive edge in the PC industry. While the high level competition and large barriers to entry make it difficult for new brands to enter the market, the existing brands also have to push harder to retain their market position. Their focus on marketing and consumer experience has grown because after all it is about brand equity and consumer experience. Read more on how brands achieve competitive advantage in the PC industry.

1- Technology

2- Prices

3- Quality

4- Customer Experience

5- Marketing

6- Brand Image

7- Supply Chain Efficiency

8- HRM


The PC industry has become intensely competitive in the recent years. Growing competition also demands new strategies and tools for acquiring a leadership status. To remain competitive and to sustain their advantage the laptop and PC brands are investing in several things. Customer experience has emerged as critical factor that can be an important source of competitive advantage if managed well. Similarly, technological innovation, investment in digitisation and use of Artificial Intelligence for a better customer experience, are also critical factors that can help PC brands build and sustain competitive advantage. Apart from these things supply chain and HR too need to be managed well to find faster growth and to have a competitive edge.

Ans-2 ) Types of issues could result from the $100 laptop.

  • Overheating. Overheating can rob your laptop performance and often causes system crashes and freezing. ...
  • Battery Dying Quickly. ...
  • Bad Keyboard. ...
  • System Crash. ...
  • Viruses or Malware.

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