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What is Try and Catch in Java with example?

What is Try and Catch in Java with example?


Expert Solution

A TRY block contains the program statement in which an exception can occur. Also a TRY block is always followed by CATCH block which is used to handle the exceptions that occur in TRY block. A TRY block is always followed by CATCH block.

A CATCH block is associated with a TRY block and the corresponding CATCH block is executed if an exception occurs in the try block.

Below is the JAVA Program to Explain the Try Catch Code

class TryCatch {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
     int number1, number2,number3;
     try {
        // Try block to handle code that may cause exception
        number1 = 0;                   //We Assign Number 1 with 0        
        number2 = 65;                  //We Assign Number 2 with 65
        number3 = number2 / number1;   //Now we try to divide 65 by 0 which should through an exception
                                       //and will be caught in catch block
        System.out.println("Try block message");
     } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
            // This block is to catch exception for divide-by-zero error
            System.out.println("Error: Don't divide a number by zero");
     System.out.println("I'm out of try-catch block in Java.");

When Exception Caught

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