In: Accounting
Dave and Sally Tufts, both age 35, are married with two children and file a joint return. Assume the children do not qualify for the child tax credit, and the mortgage is not over $750,000. From the following information, compute their tax owed or refund due for 2020.
Dave's Salary = $50,000
Federal income tax withheld = 4,000
Sally's Salary= 42,000
Federal income tax withheld = 5,000
Andy's contribution to an IRA (assume IRA is deductible for AGI)= 2,000
Dividends received from domestic corporations= 950
Medical expenses for doctors and hospitals= 8,200
Premiums for health insurance= 2,600
Prescription drugs and medicines= 800
Eyeglasses for one of children= 175
interest on home mortgage= 12,800
interest on credit cars= 300
real property taxes on residence= 6,300
state income taxes= 5,800
fee for preparation of tax returns= 125
Union dues and subscriptions= 480
*Please adds explanations so I can take good notes thank you**
For computing the amount of tax payable or refund owed to Dave and Sally, it is necessary to compute the taxable income initially.
Computation of Taxable Income will be as follows:
Explanations for the above table:
1. Medical expenses include the medical expenses for doctors and hospitals, eyeglasses and prescribed medicines and drugs and the premium on health insurance.
2. Interest on home mortgage and real property tax can be claimed as deductions.
As the taxable income amounts to $60,075, it falls under the 12% tax bracket.
Computation of Tax to be paid/refunded:
Upto $19,400 - 10% = 19,400 x 10% = $ 1,940
$19,401-$ 60,075 = $ 40,674 - 12% =40,674 x 12% = $ 4,880
Total tax to be paid $ 6,820.
Less : Federal tax withheld $ 9,000
Amount of tax refund due for 2020 $ 2,180