
In: Biology

True or False 1.  Chromosomecan be thought of as the more highly condensed form of DNAthat is...

True or False

1.  Chromosomecan be thought of as the more highly condensed form of DNAthat is seen in the cell during the mitotic phase portion of the cell cycle.

2. The sporophytecells of a plant are cells that should have the diploidamount of “chromosomes” present and some those cells can perform meiosisto produce spores.

3.  The centromere associated with each monad is a large cluster of numerous proteins, and these proteins are attached to the DNA region of the monad called a kinetochore.

4.__ During the S portion of interphase the DNA making up each monad is duplicated and the two sister chromatids remain together in the region of the dyad called the centromere.

5.__ Cytokinesis is the term used to identify the separation of the cytoplasm of an animal cell into two complete, separate cells through the action of microtubules, intermediate filaments and kinesin motor proteins.

6.__ Cells of both plants and animals have spindle fibers present during cellular division and these fibers are short microfilaments composed of the protein actin with associated myosin motor proteins.

7.__ Cytokinesis in animal cells undergoing mitosis might not occur and this results in the production of a cell with a two nuclei, each with the diploid amount of monads present.

8.__ The process of cytokinesis in plant cells requires the correct function of myosin motor proteins and actin microfilaments.

9.__ Most fungi, animals and protists have a sexual life cycle that involves a clear representation of the alternation of generations.

10.__ Aneuploidies are usually the result of the nondisjunction of homologs during meiosis I or the nondisjunction of monads during meiosis II.

11.__ Most types (kingdoms) of eukaryotic organisms produce gametes as a result of meiosis of diploid mother cells.

12.__ Segregation of gene alleles occurs exclusively during the second meiotic division of plants and exclusively during the first meiotic division in animals.

13.__ When asexual reproduction occurs, the offspring produced have DNA from a single parental source and the offspring have less genetic variability than sexual reproduction.

14.__ The 23rd pair of chromosomes in humans are the sex chromosomes and females are heterogametic (2 types of sex chromosomes) while males are homogametic (1 type of sex chromosomes).

15.__ All members of the Plantae have both a multicellular haploid (gametophyte) and multicellular diploid (sporophyte) component of their sexual life cycle.

16.__The reduction division stage of meiosis is the second meiotic division (meiosis II) and this is when human cells go from a diploid state of 46 dyads to a haploid state of 23 monads.

17.__ A tetrad is composed of a homologous pair of dyad chromosomes that are involved in synapsis and crossing over may occur between homologous chromatids when the dyads are in this state.

18.__ A key function suggested for why organisms perform meiosis is as a mechanism of purifying selection and the removal of deleterious (mutated) genes.

19.__ The key event(s) in the transformation of organisms from the haploid component of their life cycle to the diploid component are the meiotic division of cells and production of gametes..

20.__ In female chickens you would find somatic cells with fully homologous pairs of chromosomes (monads) but in males there would be only mostly fully homologous pairs (monads) and one partially homologous pair the sex chromosomes.


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True or False

1.  Chromosomecan be thought of as the more highly condensed form of DNAthat is seen in the cell during the mitotic phase portion of the cell cycle.


explaination- Chromosomes are highly condensed form of DNA,during mitosis they become highly condensed and then are separated and distributed to two daughter nuclei.

The highly condensed chromosome in a dividing cell are known are mitotic chromosomes.


2. The sporophytecells of a plant are cells that should have the diploid amount of “chromosomes” present and some those cells can perform meiosis to produce spores.


explaination= sporophyte cell of a plant -is a multicellular diploid generation found in plants that undergoes alternations of generations.

It produces haploid spores by the process of meiosis i.e. reduction division that develop into gametophyte.


3.  The centromere associated with each monad is a large cluster of numerous proteins, and these proteins are attached to the DNA region of the monad called a kinetochore.


explaination- Is the region of chromosome to which the microtubules of the spindle attached via,kinetochore,during cell division.kinetochore is a complex of proteins associated with the centromere of a chromosome during cell division ,to which microtubules of the spindle attach.


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