SHOW ALL WORK 1) The air pollutant NO is produced in automobile engines from the high-temperature...


1) The air pollutant NO is produced in automobile engines from the high-temperature reaction, N2 (g) + O2 (g) ⇌ 2 NO (g); Kc = 1.7 × 10-3 at 2300K . If the initial concentrations of N2 and O2 at 2300 K are both 1.4 M, what are the concentrations of NO, N2, and O2 when the reaction mixture reaches equilibrium? Show your work (20 points).

2) For each of the following equilibria, use LeChatelier’s principle to predict the direction of reaction when the volume is increased. (15 points)

(a) CO(g) + H2(g) ⇌ C(s) + H2O(g)

(b) 2H2(g) + O2 (g) ⇌ 2 H2O(g)

(c) Fe2O3(s) + 3 H2(g) ⇌ 2Fe(s) + 3 H2O(g)

3) Will the concentration of NO2 increase, decrease, or remain the same when the equilibrium of the exothermic reaction, NOCl(g) + NO2(g) ⇌ NO2Cl (g) + NO(g) is disturbed by the following changes? (15 points)

(a) adding NOCl

(b) adding NO

(c) Removing NO

(d) Adding argon

(e) addition of a catalyst

4) Calculate [H+] of a solution prepared by dissolving 4.25 grams of lithium hydroxide (24 g/mole) in water (18 g/mole) to give 350.0 mL of solution. (12 points) Kw = 1.0 × 10-14

5) Lactic acid (C3H6O3), which occurs in sour milk and foods such as sauerkraut, is a weak monoprotic acid. The [H+] of a 0.10 M solution of lactic acid is 4.57 × 10-3. What is the value of Ka for lactic acid? (16 points)

6) Write a chemical reaction for each of the following ions reacting with water. Demonstrate with this reaction whether they give neutral, acidic, or a basic solution. (16 points)

(a) F-

(c) NH4+

(d) K(H2O)6+

(e) SO32-

7) Calculate the percent dissociation of 0.10 M hydrazoic acid (HN3; Ka = 1.9 ×10-5) in the presence of 0.10 M HCl, and explain if this dissociation is more, the same, or less than if the HCl was not present. (16 points)

In: Chemistry

Write a balanced equation for the oxidation of methanol with KMnO4 in acidic solution; show how...

Write a balanced equation for the oxidation of methanol with KMnO4 in acidic solution; show how you balanced the reaction using half-reactions.

In: Chemistry

The Ka of a monoprotic weak acid is 4.40 × 10-3. What is the percent ionization...

The Ka of a monoprotic weak acid is 4.40 × 10-3. What is the percent ionization of a 0.185 M solution of this acid?

In: Chemistry

For the following reaction, Kc = 255 at 1000 K. CO(g)+Cl2(g)⇌COCl2(g) A reaction mixture initially contains...

For the following reaction, Kc = 255 at 1000 K. CO(g)+Cl2(g)⇌COCl2(g) A reaction mixture initially contains a CO concentration of 0.1490 M and a Cl2concentration of 0.180 M at 1000 K.

a) What is the equilibrium concentration of CO at 1000 K?

b) What is the equilibrium concentration of Cl2 at 1000 K? c

) What is the equilibrium concentration of COCl2 at 1000 K?

In: Chemistry

Is sodium hypochlorite insoluble or soluble?

Is sodium hypochlorite insoluble or soluble?

In: Chemistry

If the rate law for the clock reaction is: Rate = k [ I-] [ BrO3...

If the rate law for the clock reaction is: Rate = k [ I-] [ BrO3 -] [H+] A clock reaction is run with the following initial concentrations: [I-] [BrO3-] [H+] [S2O32-] 0.002 0.008 0.02 0.0001 The reaction time is 28 seconds Calculate k in the rate law:


Rate = k [ I-] [ BrO3 -] [H+] A clock reaction is run at 19 ºC with the following initial concentrations [I-] [BrO3-] [H+] [S2O32-] 0.002 0.008 0.02 0.0001 Then the experiment is repeated at 33 ºC, the rate constant k is found to be 2.7 times larger. Calculate the activation energy

In: Chemistry

Find the pH during the titration of 20.00 mL of 0.1820 M nitrous acid, HNO2 (Ka...

Find the pH during the titration of 20.00 mL of 0.1820 M nitrous acid, HNO2 (Ka = 7.1 ✕ 10-4), with 0.1820 M NaOH solution after the following additions of titrant. (

a) 0 mL

(b) 10.00 mL

(c) 15.00 mL

(d) 19.00 mL

(e) 19.95 mL

(f) 20.00 mL

(g) 20.05 mL

(h) 25.00 mL

In: Chemistry

How do pH and Kf affect the end point of an EDTA titration?

How do pH and Kf affect the end point of an EDTA titration?

In: Chemistry

What is the net ionic equation of NaCl+Ag2SO4 ---> Na2SO4+AgCl

What is the net ionic equation of NaCl+Ag2SO4 ---> Na2SO4+AgCl

In: Chemistry

Consider the titration of 40.0 mL of 0.0600 M (CH3)2NH (a weak base; Kb = 0.000540)...

Consider the titration of 40.0 mL of 0.0600 M (CH3)2NH (a weak base; Kb = 0.000540) with 0.100 M HClO4. Calculate the pH after the following volumes of titrant have been added:

(a) 0.0 mL

pH =  

(b) 6.0 mL

pH =  

(c) 12.0 mL

pH =  

(d) 18.0 mL

pH =  

(e) 24.0 mL

pH =  

(f) 26.4 mL

pH =  

In: Chemistry

MODULE 5: ASSIGNMENT ENVM 590: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL. Module 5: Particulate Control 1. For a given...

MODULE 5: ASSIGNMENT ENVM 590: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL. Module 5: Particulate Control 1. For a given dust loading initially and two identical collectors in series, why is the overall collection efficiency for the second usually less than that of the first collector? 2. An industrial furnace burns No. 4 residual oil with a heating value of 135,000 Btu/gal. Based on the emission factors given in Table 5-4, is a particulate collector required to meet a state emission standard of 0.10 lb/106 Btu? 3. Two particulate collectors are in series. The fractional efficiency for size dp in the upstream device is 80 percent, and for the downstream device the efficiency is 60 percent. Find the overall removal efficiency for size dp. 4. What is the required minimum efficiency of an electrostatic precipitator used as the second collector, when it is preceded by a cyclone separator having an efficiency of 80% if the desired overall efficiency is 98 %? 5. A spreader stoker is used to burn coal containing 8 per cent ash. The flue gas from burning 1 lb of coal is 170 ft3. What is the maximum dust loading of PM in combustion gas in grains per cubic foot?

In: Chemistry

Calculate the pH in 0.050 M sodium benzoate; Ka for benzoic acid (C6H5CO2H) is 6.5×10−5.

Calculate the pH in 0.050 M sodium benzoate; Ka for benzoic acid (C6H5CO2H) is 6.5×10−5.

In: Chemistry

2) Indicate the structural change and reaction that occurred to produce each positive test a. Bromine...

2) Indicate the structural change and reaction that occurred to produce each positive test a. Bromine Unsatuation b. Baeyer Unsaturation c. Chromic Acid d. Tollen’s e. Iodoform

In: Chemistry

Einstein did not try to reconcile the wave and particle theories of light, and did not...

Einstein did not try to reconcile the wave and particle theories of light, and did not say much about their apparent inconsistency. Einstein basically visualized a beam of light as a stream of bullets coming from a machine gun. In the photoelectric effect, a photon

In: Chemistry

1. Provide a scenerio in which a molecule with two strong bond dipoles can have no...

1. Provide a scenerio in which a molecule with two strong bond dipoles can have no molecular dipole at all? Explain your answer with a drawing showing individual bond dipoles and the overall molecular dipole.

2. Provide a scenerio in which a molecule may have a very large molecular dipole. Explain your answer with a drawing showing individual bond dipoles and the overall molecular dipole

In: Chemistry