In many cancer cell lines, PDH kinase (PDK) activity is increased. The result of this regulation...

In many cancer cell lines, PDH kinase (PDK) activity is increased. The result of this regulation is that pyruvate is directed towards a pathway other than the TCA cycle. Once again, using your excellent research skills, explain the reason cancer cells might direct pyruvate to an alterative pathway and what advantage this might provide to cancer cells

In: Chemistry

A)      Carbonic acd, H2CO3, can be found in a wide variety of body fluids (from dissolved...

A)      Carbonic acd, H2CO3, can be found in a wide variety of body fluids (from dissolved CO2). Calculate the hydronium ion concentration of 6.38 x 10 ^-4 M, H2CO3 solution. What is the concentration of CO3 ^2-?     Ka (H2CO3)= 4.3 x 10 ^-7      Ka (HCO3)= 4.8 x 10 ^-4

B)     Calculate the base-ionizatoin constant for SO4 ^2- and PO4 ^3-.   Ka (HSO4)= 1.1 x 10 ^-2   Ka (PO4^2-)= 4.8 x 10 -13

In: Chemistry

For silicone rubber clearly states the possibility or impossibility of each process and includes the pros...

For silicone rubber clearly states the possibility or impossibility of each process and includes the pros and cons for each possible for mold process.

In: Chemistry

For a reaction with ΔH∘=−24 kcal/mol and ΔS∘=0.07 kcalmol−1K−1, calculate the equilibrium constant at: (1.) 30...

For a reaction with ΔH∘=−24 kcal/mol and ΔS∘=0.07 kcalmol−1K−1, calculate the equilibrium constant at: (1.) 30 ∘C and (2.) 150 ∘C.

In: Chemistry

For the following reaction KClO3---->KCl+1/2 O2 assign oxidation states to each element on each side of...

For the following reaction KClO3---->KCl+1/2 O2 assign oxidation states to each element on each side of the equation...reactants and products. Which element is oxidized? Which element is reduced?

Reactants for K, Cl, and O please.

In: Chemistry

An undisturbed core of soil at field capacity was taken from a field site had a...

An undisturbed core of soil at field capacity was taken from a field site had a wet weight of 420 g. The following information was measured in the lab. The oven dry wt of the soil = 345 g Bulk Density = 1.15 g/cm3 What is the moisture content of the soil on a volume basis (volumetric water content Theta v)

In: Chemistry

xplain the purpose/function of each of the following reagents used in the isolation of the iron...

xplain the purpose/function of each of the following reagents used in the isolation of the iron containing protein: (4 points each)


Hydroxylamine hydrochloride



Trichloroacetic acid

In: Chemistry

A pycnometer is a device used to measure densities. You are in the lab and need...

A pycnometer is a device used to measure densities. You are in the lab and need to measure the density of an unknown solid. The pycnometer is weighed empty and once again when it is filled with methanol at 18°C (the density of methanol at 18°C is 0.7914 g/mL). The following data is obtained:

        Mass of the pycnometer: 127.111 g

        Mass of the pycnometer and the methanol: 378.024 g

The pycnometer is emptied and 17.66 g of solid are placed into it. It is then refilled with water at 18°C (density of water at 18°C = 0.99862 g/mL) and is found to have a mass of 459.704 g.  You are told the solid is one of the following:

Copper: (d = 8.96 g/mL)

Gold: (d = 19.30 g/mL)

Silver (d = 10.50 g/mL)

What is the identity of the solid?

In: Chemistry

NH4CIO4 is the solid rocket fuel used by the U.S Space Shuttle. It reacts with itself to produce nitrogen gas (N2), chlorine gas (Cl2), oxygen gas (O2), water, and a great deal of energy.


NH4CIO4 is the solid rocket fuel used by the U.S Space Shuttle. It reacts with itself to produce nitrogen gas (N2), chlorine gas (Cl2), oxygen gas (O2), water, and a great deal of energy. What is the maximum mass(in grams) of oxygen gas that can be produced by the reaction of 7.28g of NH4ClO4?

In: Chemistry

1) The predominant isotope of gold, 197 79Au, has an experimentally determined exact mass of 196.967...


The predominant isotope of gold, 197 79Au, has an experimentally determined exact mass of 196.967 amu. What is the total nuclear binding energy of gold in electronvolts per atom?

Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.


A particular smoke detector contains 1.35 μCi of 241Am, with a half-life of 458 years. The isotope is encased in a thin aluminum container. Calculate the mass of 241Am in grams in the detector.

Express your answer numerically in grams.


Neutron activation analysis for a sample of a rock revealed the presence of 5124Cr ,which has a half-life of 27.8 days . Assuming the isotope was freshly separated from its decay products, what is the mass of 5124Cr in a sample emitting 1.00 mCi of radiation?

Express your answer in grams to three significant figures.

In: Chemistry

You hear about an opportunity for a process engineer with a company that is starting a...

You hear about an opportunity for a process engineer with a company that is starting a new commercial plant to produce ethanol from hybrid poplar trees. You apply and soon get called for an interview!

As a good candidate for the position, you do your own search about the company before visiting it, and find out that their current process uses direct fermentation of sugars to obtain ethanol. They are heavily considering an alternative option, though, which employs fermentation of sugars to acetic acid, followed by hydrogenation of the acetic acid to produce ethanol. The article you read about this only mentions that this alternative “reduces carbon emissions”.

As it turns out, during the interview you are asked to provide a detailed, technical opinion about each one of these two routes. Specifically, you are asked about the challenges involved in separation: in one case, you need to separate ethanol from water after fermentation, in the other case you need to separate acetic acid from water after fermentation. You remember the concepts you learned in class about multiphase, multicomponent systems and attempts to answer the following questions: How would you design a system for separation in each case? What type of separation? What would be the challenges involved?

In addition, your response could include other aspects such as the stoichiometry of each reaction, and potential energy requirements. Be as quantitative as possible.

In: Chemistry

What is the difference between the virial equation of state and the SRK equation of state?...

What is the difference between the virial equation of state and the SRK equation of state? When would you use one versus the other?

In: Chemistry

1)Choose all of the statements below that would change the volume of gas depicted in Cylinder...

1)Choose all of the statements below that would change the volume of gas depicted in Cylinder A to that of Cylinder B.

a□ Increase the pressure by a factor of 6 while holding the Kelvin temperature and the moles of gas constant.

b□Reduce the pressure by a factor of 6 while holding the temperature and the moles of gas constant.
c□Increase the Kelvin temperature by a factor of 6 while holding the pressure and the moles of gas constant.
d□Simultaneously double the pressure and decrease the Kelvin temperature by a factor of 3 while holding the number of moles constant.
e□Simultaneously halve both the pressure and the Kelvin temperature while holding the number of moles of gas constant.
Select all of the above that apply

2)How many Ne atoms are present in a 2.80 L sample of Ne at STP? (Enter your answer using scientific notation. For scientific notation, 6.02 x 102323 is written as 6.02E23.)

3)What is the temperature, in ºC, of 0.938 moles of Cl2 gas with a pressure of 3.24 atm and volume of 9.31 L?

4)What is the volume, in L, of 0.690 moles of O2 gas having a temperature of 67.9 ºC and pressure of 5.86 atm?

5)A gaseous mixture composed of 16.0 g of O2 , 21.0 g of N2, and 16.0 g of He at 20.0°C is confined in a 25.0 L container.
What is the partial pressure of N2 in this mixture?

6)A gaseous mixture composed of 16.0 g of 2, 21.0 g of N2, and 16.0 g of He at 20.0°C is confined in a 25.0 L container.
What is the partial pressure of He in this mixture?

7)Assuming ideal gas behavior, what is the pressure in atm exerted by 1.57 mol Cl2(g) confined to a volume of 1.50 L at 273K?

In: Chemistry

Calculate the [H+] and [OH-] of each of the following solutions. 0.010 M HCl 0.010 M...

Calculate the [H+] and [OH-] of each of the following solutions. 0.010 M HCl 0.010 M H2SeO4 0.025 M KOH 0.020 M Ba(OH)2

In: Chemistry

How can X-Ray Diffraction characterize the structure or molecular structure of a polymer?

How can X-Ray Diffraction characterize the structure or molecular structure of a polymer?

In: Chemistry