A 100.0 mL solution containing 0.756 g of maleic acid (MW = 116.072 g/mol) is titrated...

A 100.0 mL solution containing 0.756 g of maleic acid (MW = 116.072 g/mol) is titrated with 0.217 M KOH. Calculate the pH of the solution after the addition of 60.0 mL of the KOH solution. Maleic acid has pKa values of 1.92 and 6.27.

At this pH (pH = 9.48), calculate the concentration of each form of maleic acid in the solution at equilibrium. The three forms of maleic acid are abbreviated H2M, HM–, and M2–, which represent the fully protonated, intermediate, and fully deprotonated forms, respectively.

In: Chemistry

classify the following compounds in strong electrolyte or weak electrolyte and indicate the species that produce...

classify the following compounds in strong electrolyte or weak electrolyte and indicate the species that produce in aqueous solution:
1. Li3PO4

In: Chemistry

1. A loam-textured soil has from 50 to 100 square meters of surface area per gram...

1. A loam-textured soil has from 50 to 100 square meters of surface area per gram of soil. Assume you had 100 grams of a loam-textured soil, and its S.A. was 75 m2/g. If this S.A. could be projected on one flat surface, How many football fields of area would this equal? ( Note: A football field is 120 yards long and 160 feet in width) Show your calculations.

In: Chemistry

A student starts with   4.586 g   of unknown mixture of Na2CO3 and CaCl2•2H2O. They collect   1.356 g   of...

A student starts with   4.586 g   of unknown mixture of Na2CO3 and CaCl2•2H2O. They collect   1.356 g   of precipitate. They identified Na2CO3 as their limiting reagent.

How many grams of CaCl2•2H2O did the unknown mixture originally contain?

ive tried 3.230 and 2.898 but were both wrong.


In: Chemistry

IF5 Polar Bonds Yes No Dipole Moment Yes No TeBr4 Polar Bonds Yes No Dipole Moment...


Polar Bonds

  1. Yes
  2. No

Dipole Moment

  1. Yes
  2. No


Polar Bonds

  1. Yes
  2. No

Dipole Moment

  1. Yes
  2. No


Polar Bonds

  1. Yes
  2. No

Dipole Moment

  1. Yes
  2. No


Polar Bonds

  1. Yes
  2. No

Dipole Moment

  1. Yes
  2. No


Polar Bonds

  1. Yes
  2. No

Dipole Moment

  1. Yes
  2. No

In: Chemistry

The following reactions are important ones in catalytic converters in automobiles. Calculate ΔG∘ for each at...

The following reactions are important ones in catalytic converters in automobiles. Calculate ΔG∘ for each at 298 K. Predict the effect of increasing temperature on the magnitude of ΔG∘.

A. 2CO(g)+2NO(g)→N2(g)+2CO2(g)

B. 5H2(g)+2NO(g)→2NH3(g)+2H2O(g)

C. 5H2(g)+2NO(g)→2NH3(g)+2H2O(g)

D. 2H2(g)+2NO(g)→N2(g)+2H2O(g)

E. 2NH3(g)+2O2(g)→N2O(g)+3H2O(g)

In: Chemistry

Given the following atomic weights, that the density of acetic acid is 1.05, and that 5.3...

Given the following atomic weights, that the density of acetic acid is 1.05, and that 5.3 g of isoamyl alcohol, 7.6 mL of acetic acid, and 0.5 mL of sulfuric acid make 3.8 g of isoamyl acetate, what is the % yield of isoamyl acetate from its limiting reagent? Give at least two significant figures. C = 12, H = 1, O =16

In: Chemistry

Derive Clapeyron equation and Clausius modification for liquid-vapor equilibrium conditions.

Derive Clapeyron equation and Clausius modification for liquid-vapor equilibrium conditions.

In: Chemistry

When 22.0 mL of a 3.68×10-4 M silver nitrate solution is combined with 25.0 mL of...

When 22.0 mL of a 3.68×10-4 M silver nitrate solution is combined with 25.0 mL of a 1.80×10-5 M sodium sulfate solution does a precipitate form? (yes or no)

For these conditions the Reaction Quotient, Q, is equal to ____?

In: Chemistry

A 30.0-mL sample of 0.165 M propanoic acid is titrated with 0.300 MKOH. A.)Calculate the pH...

A 30.0-mL sample of 0.165 M propanoic acid is titrated with 0.300 MKOH.

A.)Calculate the pH at 0 mL of added base.

B.)Calculate the pH at 5 mL of added base.

C.)Calculate the pH at 10 mL of added base.

D.)Calculate the pH at the equivalence point.

E.)Calculate the pH at one-half of the equivalence point.

F.)Calculate the pH at 20 mL of added base.

G.)Calculate the pH at 25 mL of added base.

In: Chemistry

Consider the following reaction between sulfur trioxide and water: SO3(g)+H2O(l)=H2SO4(aq) A chemist allows 61.5 g fo...

Consider the following reaction between sulfur trioxide and water:


A chemist allows 61.5 g fo SO3 and 11.2 g of H2O to react. When the reaction is finished, the chemist collects 51.0g of H2SO4.

1) Determine the theoretical yield for the reaction.

2) Determine the percent yield for the reaction.

In: Chemistry

Which of the following descriptions and/or equations best represents the enthalpy change of a system? There...

Which of the following descriptions and/or equations best represents the enthalpy change of a system? There may be more than one correct answer. A. The heat absorbed or released during a phase change or chemical reaction at constant pressure B. The work done on or by a phase change or chemical reaction at constant pressure C. deltaH = deltaE + PdeltaV D. deltaE = q + w E. H= E + PV F. The heat sborbed or released during a phase change or chemical reaction at constant volume G. The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a substance by 1 degree C at constant pressure H. The sum of the internal energy and the pressure-volume product of a system

In: Chemistry

why are Co2+ complexes labile with respect to ligand exchange while Co3+ complexes are relatively inert?

why are Co2+ complexes labile with respect to ligand exchange while Co3+ complexes are relatively inert?

In: Chemistry

5. A sample of orange juice is found to have a pH of 3.45. What is...

5. A sample of orange juice is found to have a pH of 3.45. What is the hydroxide concentration in the orange juice?
a. 1.03x10-5
b. 10.55x10-11
c. 3.16x10-4
d. 2.818x10-11

6. The Kc for the following reaction is 3.2. What is the Kp at 230 K?
PCl5 (g) ↔ PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)
a. 60.4
b. 1139
c. 30.2
d. 22.8

7. A + B + C à D + E Kc = 1.39
D + E à F + G Kc = 2.35
What is the Kc for this reaction: 2F + 2G à 2A + 2B + 2C
a. 0.094
b. 0.306
c. 0.612
d. 0.450

8. If the overall pressure on a container with the following reaction occurring inside is increased, what will occur?
2CH4 (g) ↔ C2H2 (g) + 3H2 (g)
a. shift to the left
b. shift to the right
c. no shift to either side

In: Chemistry

1) Ammonium bisulfide, NH4HS, forms ammonia, NH3, and hydrogen sulfide, H2S, through the reaction NH4HS(s)⇌NH3(g)+H2S(g) This...

1) Ammonium bisulfide, NH4HS, forms ammonia, NH3, and hydrogen sulfide, H2S, through the reaction


This reaction has a K value of 0.120 at 25 ∘C.

an empty 5.00-L flask is charged with 0.400 g of pure H2S(g), at 25 ∘C.

What is the initial pressure of H2S(g) in the flask?

In: Chemistry