Explain how an organic solvent like hexane could inhibit enzyme action. . Explain how addition of...

Explain how an organic solvent like hexane could inhibit enzyme action. . Explain how addition of base could inhibit enzyme action.

In: Chemistry

Consider the following reaction: 2A+3B→3C+2D Use the following data to determine the rate of reaction in...

Consider the following reaction:


Use the following data to determine the rate of reaction in terms of the disappearance of reactant A at time = 20 s.

Time (s) 0 20 40
[A](M) 0.0400 0.0240 0.0180

Part B::Consider the following reaction:


Use the following data to determine the rate of reaction in terms of the appearance of product C when the time is 20 s.

Time (s) 0 20 40
[C](M) 0.000 0.0240


Part C:
Consider the following reaction:


The initial concentrations of the reactants A and B are 0.280 M and 0.200 M, respectively.

The rate of reaction is 0.060 M⋅s−1, and the orders of the reaction, with respect to reactants A and B, are 1 and 2, respectively.

Determine the rate constant (k) for the reaction using the rate law.

In: Chemistry

You need to prepare an acetate buffer of pH 5.33 from a 0.631 M acetic acid...

You need to prepare an acetate buffer of pH 5.33 from a 0.631 M acetic acid solution and a 2.20 M KOH solution. If you have 480 mL of the acetic acid solution, how many milliliters of the KOH solution do you need to add to make a buffer of pH 5.33 ? The p K a of acetic acid is 4.76.

In: Chemistry

500.0mL of 0.120M NaOH is added to 535mL of 0.250M weak acid (Ka= 5.88*10^-5) What is...

500.0mL of 0.120M NaOH is added to 535mL of 0.250M weak acid (Ka= 5.88*10^-5) What is the pH of the resulting buffer?

In: Chemistry

1) Consider the equilibrium reaction N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ↔ 2 NH3(g) + 91.8 kJ Using...

1) Consider the equilibrium reaction

N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ↔ 2 NH3(g) + 91.8 kJ

Using Le Chatelier’s Principle, Name two specific ways this equilibrium can be shifted to the right to increase production of NH3.

2) In the reaction below,

NH3(g) + H2O(l) ↔ NH2 - + H3O +

The equilibrium constant is 1 x 10 -34. Is this reaction likely to take place? Explain your answer.

In: Chemistry

1.   If a reactant is added to a reaction at equilibrium, which way will the reaction...

1.   If a reactant is added to a reaction at equilibrium, which way will the reaction shift to re-establish equilibrium (use forward or backward)? Why?

2.   If a reaction is endothermic, is heat a reactant or a product?

3.   For an endothermic reaction, if heat is added, which way will the reaction shift to re-establish equilibrium (use forward or backward)? Explain your reasoning.

4.   A reaction has initial concentration of 0.330 M Fe3+ and 0.210 M SCN- At equilibrium, the concentration of FeSCN2+ is 0.150 M.
A) What is the concentration of the Fe3+ at equilibrium?
B) What is the concentration of the SCN- at equilibrium?

5.   For the equilibrium in question 4, what is the value of the equilibrium constant?

In: Chemistry

Please enter the values you calculated for the concentrations of Tartrazine and Allura Red in the...

Please enter the values you calculated for the concentrations of Tartrazine and Allura Red in the mixture. (Use 3 significant figures.)

Slope of TZ at 430 nm= y=0.0218x

Slope of AR at 430 nm= y=0.0137x

Slope of TZ at 480 nm= y=0.0068x

Slope of AR at 480 nm= y=0.0347x

Absorbance of the unknown mixture at 430 nm = 0.622

Absorbance of the unknown mixture at 480 nm = 0.325

Undiluted molarity of TZ = 42.1

Undiluted molarity of AR = 21.2

In: Chemistry

Calculate the theoretical yield of the ester formed by the acid catalyze reaction of 10.0ml of...

Calculate the theoretical yield of the ester formed by the acid catalyze reaction of 10.0ml of isobutyl alcoholic and 12.0ml of propionic acid.

Someone please help me with these calculations, I don't even know the ester.

In: Chemistry

Solution Investigation Question: What are some of the key characteristics of unknown sample of an aqueous...

Solution Investigation Question: What are some of the key characteristics of unknown sample of an aqueous solution containing an ionic compound?

Specific questions: 1. Given that the cation is from Group 1A, what is the identity of the group 1A metal ion in your solution?

2. Given that the ionic compound contains either chloride or hydroxide, how can you determine which? (Two pieces of evidence are required and one must be related to solubility rules)

3. What is the concentration of your solution? (Your unknown sample is known to be about 1 M, but you need to determine the concentration to 3 significant figures using titration. You should plan ahead so that you know approximately what volume of your sample you will need in order to use approximately 25 mL of 0.100 M sulfuric acid for the titration).

In: Chemistry

Calculate: grams of CO2 generated by a car for every kilometer I drive usings the quantiy...

Calculate: grams of CO2 generated by a car for every kilometer I drive usings the quantiy of CO2 produced in part above (answer: 3088.2 g CO2) and kilometer distance traveled in part above (answer: 30.180 km/kg).

I'm having trouble converting CO2 generated to grams/km driven.

In: Chemistry

Illustrate and explain the importance of the urea cycle as it relates to nitrogen disposal. Explain...

Illustrate and explain the importance of the urea cycle as it relates to nitrogen disposal. Explain the role of NAG in the regulation of CPSI activity and how this affects urea cycle function. Discuss how the urea cycle would be affected during a short-term fast (< 8 hr), long-term fast (> 24 hr), in response to a low (but adequate) protein diet, and in response to a high protein diet.

In: Chemistry

Write the balanced chemical reactions for the dissolution reactions AND the corresponding solubility product expressions for...

Write the balanced chemical reactions for the dissolution reactions AND the corresponding solubility product expressions for each of the following solids. Lastly, please calculate the solubility of each compound in pure water ignoring any acid-base properties.

a. Fe(OH)3

b. CuS

c. CaF2

In: Chemistry

All one question with a few different parts Use the data to sketch the phase diagram...

All one question with a few different parts

Use the data to sketch the phase diagram for xenon (Xe) and then answer the questions that follow.

Normal boiling point: 165 K

Normal melting point: 161 K

Triple point: 152 K, .37 atm

Critical temperature: 290 K

Critical pressure: 57 atm

A. What phase is xenon at atmospheric conditions?

B. Is liquid xenon more or less dense than solid xenon? Use the diagram to justify your answer.

C. What is the appropriate maximum pressure of gas that can exist at -155 degrees Celsuis?

D. If a Xenon sample is heated at .2 atm, at what temperature will xenon melt? Explain.

E. Can xenon be liquid at room temperature if enough pressure is applied? Explain.

F. What is the minimum temperature at which the liquid phase can exist?

All part of one question, multiple steps

In: Chemistry

In the bromination reaction of a chalcone, trans-4-nitrochalcone reacts with Br2/CHCl3 to produce erythro-2,3-diBromo-3-(4-nitrophenyl)propiophenone. The product...

In the bromination reaction of a chalcone, trans-4-nitrochalcone reacts with Br2/CHCl3 to produce erythro-2,3-diBromo-3-(4-nitrophenyl)propiophenone. The product is a racemic mixture.

a) Draw the structure of the enantiomers you form and assign R & S to each of the stereocenters.

b) Will you see two spots on a TLC plate for your reaction products? Why or why not?

c) Draw the structures of the products that are not formed in the bromination reaction.

d) Is this bromination reaction stereoselective? Why or why not?

In: Chemistry

Plants produce sugar by photosynthesis. They absorb CO2, H2O and heat to produce sugar and oxygen. ...

Plants produce sugar by photosynthesis. They absorb CO2, H2O and heat to produce sugar and oxygen. 
CO2  + H2O ? C6H12O6 + O2 (Unbalanced)
How much sugar will be produced if  8.0000 x10-3  ft3 CO2 gas (dCO2 = 1.98 kg/m3)  and 3.000 x 10-2 gallon water ( d= 0.9987 g /mL) is used. 

In: Chemistry