
In: Biology

1. Generally speaking, overall do you think Americans are healthy? Why or Why not? Please describe...

1. Generally speaking, overall do you think Americans are healthy? Why or Why not? Please describe some areas where we are healthy and some areas we are not healthy.   

2. Where do you think America's health care system rank? I am not looking for a specific number, but compared to the rest of the world, do we offer better health care, worse, about the same? Why-what makes it better, worse or the same?

3.   What do you think are the 3 biggest health concerns facing Americans? Why do you think these are the biggest concerns?


Expert Solution

1) As we look into generalisation we can make sure that though america is the strongest nation around the world and one of the wealthiest too, but when it comes to health, america lacks behind a lot. the diet and the way of lifestyle is making some serious concerns on the health of the americans. if we look into the data we find that, out of three children in america only 1 is healthy, 30 percent of americans are physically inactive,most children spending on an average 8 hours on screen making them physically unfit, along with this 80 percent of adults reported of not doing physical exercise more than 3 days a week. these are few of the statistics which makes that the health concerns in america are definatley gonna rise.

if we look into the diet, we will find that on an average , an american eat less vegetable than recommmended,around 20 percent of americans lack food security means safe and healthy food is unavailable, sodium content is high in food than recommended.

if we talk about obesity, around more than 120 million adults are obese in the nation and 20 percent of children are obese;.

these are few of the statistical data which makes america one of the unhealthiest country around the world, due to unable of being fit and not having a good immmune system, this lead to numerous death in america due to covid19 recently.

if we look into all these factors we can say that overall america is not a healthy state.

if we consider about being healthy areas, america have one of the strongest army and police force in which the health department is top notch alsso the athletes of america are top one of the healthiest around the world.

2) if we look into the america health care ranking, they are somewhere around on the lower side of the table, because of unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle whhich leads to one another.but along with this, the health care facility provided by the americans are top class with the best hospitals and universities and research centers aroound the world along with the high level of medical facilities. if we compare the health facilities, then definately america is in top5.

3)few of the biggest health concerns face by americans are as follows

-heart disease - out of around total deaths in amerrica, 25 percent are because of heart diseases which may include heart failure, caridac arrest, improper circulation around the body.

-cancer - 22 percent of deaths in america occur due to cancer last year, and cancer include all type of from skin to thyroid , neural ,uterus, breast cancer and all. this is a verys erious issue, because as an average american lifestyle is unhealthy as of no proper fitness care and intake of alcohol as well as passive and active ssmoking, also exposure to various skin beauty products are few of the causes of high level of cancer death in america.

-respiratory diseases- around 9 percent of total fatalities are due to respiratory dieseases , this is because of high level of pollution levels comparitively than the past years and unhealthy lifestyle.

-alzehiemer - it is one of the disesase which is very serious and very much prevalent in americans, it is due to the high level of screen time, no yoga, no exercise and no proper mental fitness, in this the neurons start becoming non functional and somehow die later on, around 4 percent of total death in america in 2019 were due to alzheimer.

-diabetes- well, one of the most common diseasea all around the world and also in america, whcih resulted into 4 percent of total deaths of americans in 2019.  

- influenzae and pneumonia - 2 percent of total death of 2019

- kidney disease - 1 percent of total death of 2019

these are few of the examples of diseases in america and which are not only a serious issue but a national problem for americans.

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