In: Operations Management
Answer the following question in a minimum of two paragraphs and use scholarly sources to document your main response.
You have seen a number of advertisements of attorneys seeking clients for personal injury claims (car crashes, property damages, etc.). A friend says “I think these sharks make too much money, something ought to be done). Explain what proposed changes you would advocate and support with respect to compensation for attorneys representing plaintiffs?
One of the primary reason that attorneys are able to bluff clients is because of lack of awareness. The clients are not aware of their rights and duties and often get fooled by the attorneys and legal agents. One of the biggest step which can be taken in this regard is to increase the overall awareness level of individuals regarding their legal rights and duties. Small tutorials can be developed in which a basic gist of rights can be given. Another interesting way of doing the same is through gamification. The individuals can be taught about their legal rights and duties by making them undergo a simulation. The interactive simulation can be highly impactful and informational to the people and increase their overall awareness level.
Another step which can be taken in this regard is through the employers. The employers can ensure that their employees have the basic knowledge about the different laws and torts. An FAQ can be set up where the employees can check about their issues and doubts. Workshops and training programs can be conducted so as to enhance the overall knowledge of the employees in the basic legal aspect. These are some of the ways which can help curbing this trend of attorneys fooling clients and taking advantage of their innocence.