In: Statistics and Probability
Chi-Square Test for Independence (11 points)
This question is an extension from Q2 above. The professor was also interested in whether there is a gender difference in terms of students’ choice of one of the three assessment types. So she broke the data down by gender in the following table and conducted a Chi-square test for independence with a = .05.
TA | Female | Male | Total |
Multiple-choice test | 22 | 16 | 38 |
Essay | 7 | 6 | 13 |
In-class presentation | 2 | 7 | 9 |
What are the variables in this analysis? What type of variable is each (nominal, ordinal, or continuous)? (2 points total: 1 for each variable- .5 for variable name, .5 for variable type)
State the null and alternative hypotheses in words (2 points
total: 1 for each hypothesis)
Calculate X2 statistic (3 points total: 1 for final answer, 1 for setting up correct table, 1 for calculation- deduct .5 for each calculation error)
Calculate the degrees of freedom and then identify the critical value
Compare the X2 statistic with the critical value, then report the hypothesis test result, using “reject” or “fail to reject” the null hypothesis in the answer
Explain the conclusion in a sentence or two (1 point