In: Physics
Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamics are superior to Newtonian dynamics.
If you know the lagrangian of a system, you can calculate the Hamiltonian of the same system. Even though the dimension of Hamiltonian of a system is equal to that of energy it need not be total energy. It can be some linear combination of kinetic and potential energy usually. The Hamiltonian of a system can be calculated by the following equation
momentum in usual since is mass times
velocity, but Hamiltonian dynamics, the dimension of a canonical
momentum need not be that of momentum,. Since this canonical
momentum Say P is associated to a generalised coordinate Q which
may not have the dimensions of length (it may be an angle or
something else). Canonical momentum just means that it is
associated to a the generalised coordinate while momentum in usual
sense is a vector which is defined as already I did above.
If the generalised coordinate is some position say x component of the body, then the canonical momentum is Px
The partial derivative of Hamiltonian with p will give you time derivative of q