In: Nursing
How does Examining Your Right to Make Choices in your Life and Come off of Autopilot impact your ability to Intuitively Heal and Create a Vision of Health and Prevention for Yourself and Others. pls 350 words
1. Realize the Power of Decision Making. Before you start making
a decision, you have to understand what a decisiondoes. ...
2. Go with Your Gut. ...
3. Carry Your Decision Out. ...
4. Tell Others About Your Decisions. ...
5. Learn from Your Past Decisions. ...
6. Maintain a Flexible Approach. ...
7. Have Fun Making Decisions
Intuitive healing is nothing new, and you can learn to become
your own intuitive healer. Intuition is accessible to everyone,
even the most hard-core skeptics.If you look at the body as a
physical manifestation of energy, it makes perfect sense to cleanse
your energy and restore health and harmony using the mind/body/soul
concept where one directly affects the others.The inner wisdom that
is not judged by the rational mind is a quiet little voice that is
hard to hear if you’re not used to listening.
It’s not a voice in that messages usually don’t come in the form of
words – they typically come in dreams, or spontaneously as hunches
or gut feelings, strong urges, physical sensations or memories.
These messages can come in a flash. That’s why they’re easy to
miss, and easier to dismiss.
If you’ve been brought up with a firm belief that medicine can cure everything that’s wrong with the body, you are missing out on an opportunity to reverse-engineer the problem and address the cause. Do that and the symptoms often go away on their own – or if they are already severe, will improve, giving medicines a better chance to relieve the symptoms.How everyone can develop intuition and utilize it as a powerful tool for living. Intuition is not something I simply teach my patients. It has become a way of life for me. The magic of intuition is that it insists you live in the moment with no expectations, a continuing freshness. Intuition is our birthright, available to everyone. To access it, I’ve developed five steps that can be applied to any issue you’ll ever confront from healing your body, to riding a roller-coaster of emotions to sexual awakening. I live by these five steps; they continue to sustain me. I suggest you give them a try. My hope is that they will bring you the joy and clarity you’ve been searching for.
Step 1: Notice Your Beliefs
Your beliefs set the stage for healing. Positive attitudes
stimulate growth. Negative attitudes impede it. It’s important to
rid yourself of counterproductive attitudes that you may not even
realize you have. If you examine your beliefs, choose
life-enhancing ones, you’ll create optimal wellness. No organ
system stands apart from your thoughts. Your beliefs program your
neurochemicals. I’m not suggesting that you be Pollyannish, but
that you be completely true to yourself. This will free you from
unconscious negative beliefs that can sabotage your healing.
Step 2: Be In Your Body
Your body is a complex and sensitive intuitive receptor. You must
make a commitment to be in it completely to heal. Most people in
Western society are conditioned to live from the neck up, ignoring
the rest of their body. This stance is counter-intuitive. I’d like
you to shift that perspective-to enjoy your intellect but revel in
your physicality as well. Being aware of the sensuousness of your
body opens intuition. Then you’ll become more cognizant of early
warning signs your body sends. This gives you a head-start on
preventing illness, choosing healthy relationships, and avoiding
detrimental situations.
Step 3: Sense Your Body’s Subtle Energy
We are composed of flesh and blood, but also of subtle energy. From
an intuitive point of view, these vibrantly colored energy fields,
whose centers are called chakras have a significant effect on our
health. For that reason, it is important that we learn to sense
this energy within us, recognize when it is off, and learn to
correct the imbalance. Feeling energy can be very sensual, an
extension of love. Learning to tap into your body’s energy is
Step 4: Ask for Inner Guidance
We each possess an intuitive voice that contains answers about our
healing. Because our intellect is often so loud, this voice often
gets drowned out. It’s essential that we learn to access the
stillness within–though meditation, quite contemplation, connecting
with nature, prayer-in order to gain answers about our health.
Spend a few minutes each day devoted to listening to this voice. It
may appear as a gut feeling, a hunch, an image, a sound, a memory,
an instant knowing-as if a light bulb suddenly switched on. Learn
to trust the signals your inner wisdom sends.
Step 5: Listen To Your Dreams
Intuition is the language of dreams. Every ninety minutes each
night during the REM stage of sleep, we dream. Dreams provide
answers about health, relationships, career choices, any new
direction. The secret is to remember them. I suggest keeping a
dream journal by your bed. Before you go to sleep, ask a dream a
question. For instance, “Is this relationship healthy for me or
should I move on?” The next morning, write down any dreams
immediately before getting out of bed. Try repeating the question,
every night for the next week until your answer comes. As you
develop the habit of remembering dreams, you’ll be able to benefit
from this form of healing. As a physician, I have a continual sense
of awe for the relationship between body and spirit. As your heart
opens, so does your intuition. Your intuition will teach you how to
see and how to love. It will instill in you a renewed faith to face
Creating Wellness Vision :-
1. Be active 4-6 days a week.
2. Choose to eat less of the “bad” food and more of the “good”
3. Mindfulness-Prayer-Reflection.
4. Stress management – Deep Breathing, Visualization, Asking for
5. Positive outlook-Thankful moments journal.
6. Sleep 7-9 hours a nigh
Vision Of Health :-
Health & Wellness is every student’s first choice for health
care and health education. We lead the way in fulfilling the
University’s commitment to fostering a well and vibrant learning
community.A wellness vision is a compelling description of your
best self. It defines what you truly want and how you live when
you're at your best. Thevision may include behaviors, actions,
strengths, feelings, values and relationships.