In: Nursing
As a nurse, discuss the importance of these:
1)Assessment—gather information or data about the
individual, family, or community.
2)Analysis and identification of the problem
3)Prioritizing Nursing Diagnoses
4)Selecting Interventions and Planning Care
The Nursing process is a systematic , rational method of planning and providing individualized nursing care. the steps of nursing process are Assessment, Nursing diagnosis,goal, intervention, Evaluation.
As a nurse, so many importance in Assessment, analysis, nursing diagnosis, intervention,and documentation.
1, Assessment
Assessment is the systematic and continuous collection , organization , valudation and documentation of data. Nursing assessment focus on a clients responses to a health problem.and to establish a database about the clients response to health concerns or illness and the ability to manage health care needs.
In establish a database
*Obtain a nursing health history
*To conduct a physical assessment
*Review nursing litreature
*Consult support persons
Update the data as needed, organized data, validate data and communication or documentation data.
2, Analysis and identification of problem
In the diagnostic process, the analysis involve
* compare data against standards , Identify significant cues
*Cluster the cues
*identify gap and inconsistencies.
In comparing data with standards the nurse draw on knowledge and experience to compare client data to standards and norms and identify the significant and relevant value, it indicates the developmental delay.
In clustering cues the experienced nurse may cluster data as they collect and interpret it.,data clustering involves making inferences about the data.and the nurse interpret the possible meaning of the cues, diagnosis hypothesis.
In identifying gaps and inconsistencies in data. the skillful assessment minimize gaps and inconsistencies in data.
Identification of problem,
After the data analyzed the nurse and client can together identify strengths and determine problems and risk(the nurse and client together identify the problems). determine the strengths,this stage the nurse also establish the clients strength and ability to cope.
3, prioritizing nursing diagnosis
In addition, determine the priority of problem is
*the urgent problem that cannot be delayed the problem requires action quickly and accurately.
* The problem that must be made planning is an actual problem.
*Important problem with handling can be delayed regarding of the clients health condition.
Prioritizing is an important skill in nursing and the skill deficit can have serious consequences for patients.
4, selecting the intervention and planning care
The factors that are to be considered planning the intervention are
*The patient health value and belifes
*Patients priority
*Medical treatment plan
The nursing actions are planned to alleviate the patient problems.nursing intervention and activities are the actions that a nurse performs the acheive a client goals.
5, documentation
The nurses documentation are essential for the good communication.appropriate documentation provide acurate information to the patient and nursing helps to tell decision help to support proper treatment plan.