In: Statistics and Probability
Source SS df MS F
Between Groups 203.333 2 101.667 22.59
Within Groups 54 12 4.5
Which of the numbers above represents the variability among the group means?
Which of the above numbers is the numerator of the average variance within the groups?
What is the critical F needed for significance given the situation above?
Assuming = cell frequencies, how many subjects in each group for the data above?
Which of the numbers above represents the variability among the group means?
anwer :- Between group SS = 203.333
Which of the above numbers is the numerator of the average variance within the groups?
answer :- Within group SS = 54
What is the critical F needed for significance given the situation above?
Answer :- the critical value is -
level of significance
(it is nt mentioned in the question that is given here , so I
can not find the value. You can also mention it in the comments so
that I can update my answer. Otherwise you have to find it by
yourself. For example , if
0.05, then
Assuming = cell frequencies, how many subjects in each group for the data above?
answer:- Here, Within Groups df = 12 = (n - k) , and Between groups df = 2 =( k - 1)
where n = total number of subjects in the sample and k = total number of groups .
So, k = 3 and n = 12 + 3 = 15
Therefore, assuming equal cell frequencies, each group has ( n / k ) = ( 15 / 3 ) = 5 subjects in each.