
In: Computer Science

For this problem, you should: describe the algorithm using aflowchart and thenwrite Python code...

For this problem, you should: describe the algorithm using a flowchart and then

write Python code to implement the algorithm.

You must include:

a.) a picture of the flowchart you are asked to create,

b.) a shot of the Python screen of your code, and

c.) a shot of the Python screen of your output.

Program Requirements: Your application will implement a stopwatch to be

used during a 1500-meter race in a swimming match. The input to the

application will be the number of seconds for two different swimmers

completing the race. Your application will determine the winner and output

their winning time in hours, minutes and seconds. Finally, if a swimmer broke

the record of 14:31 (fourteen minutes, 31 seconds) an additional message

should be printed.


Expert Solution


#method to convert seconds to a list containing hours, minutes and seconds

def secondsToHHMMSS(seconds):



#converting seconds to hours


#getting remaining seconds


#converting remaining seconds to minutes


#getting remaining seconds


#defining a list containing hours,minutes and seconds


return time

#method to format a list containing time to HH:MM:SS format

def format_time(time):

    return '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(time[0],time[1],time[2])

#saving the current record time



#getting input seconds

seconds1=int(input("Enter running time of first swimmer (in seconds)"))

seconds2=int(input("Enter running time of second swimmer (in seconds)"))

#finding the running times



#checking for winner


print("Swimmer 1 is the winner")



print("Swimmer 2 is the winner")




print("It's a tie")

print("Winning time:",format_time(winner_time))

# checking if the winner broke the current record

if winner_time[0]<=record_time[0] and winner_time[1]<=record_time[1] and winner_time[2]

print("Winner broke the current record time of",format_time(record_time),"to set a new record time",format_time(winner_time))

#code screenshot



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