
In: Economics

When you buy products how many products do you typically evaluate? What's the most number of...

When you buy products how many products do you typically evaluate?

What's the most number of products you've compared when making a purchase?

What's the most expensive purchase you've made where you didn't consider an alternative product?

Please answer in an overall total of 150 words or more.


Expert Solution

While buying any product usual I look for 5-6 alternatives or options. Prime factors which I look to differentiate between different options include price, my preference of design, match with the requirement or usage, brand image, and the value for money.

In fact, it depends on what kind of product I am going to buy when I have to decide on the number of alternatives to be evaluated.

The most number of products which were compared by me was 10 when I was looking to buy a cell phone recently. I searched the product online and offline both. While looking for the products online, the mainly relied on the features and customer review. For me, if a product as greater positive customer reviews, the chances of buying are quite high.

Recently I bought a car of Mercedes Benz without comparing it to any other brand. This is mainly due to the fact that I was always attracted toward this brand so the reason behind buying the car was not related to utility, in fact, It was more of a psychological buying decision.

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