
In: Computer Science

Write a Data Element Class named Property that has fields tohold the property name, the...

Write a Data Element Class named Property that has fields to hold the property name, the city where the property is located, the rent amount, the owner's name, and the Plot to be occupied by the property, along with getters and setters to access and set these fields. Write a parameterized constructor (i.e., takes values for the fields as parameters) and a copy constructor (takes a Property object as the parameter). Follow the Javadoc file provided.

Write a Data Element Class named Plot that has fields specifying the X and Y location of the upper left corner of each Plot and a depth and width of each Plot. Notice that the X,Y location is at the upper left, not as in normal Cartesian coordinates, due to the grid system adopted by computer monitors.

A driver class is provided that creates rental properties to test the property manager. A Graphical User Interface is provided using JavaFX which duplicates this driver’s functionality. You are not required to read in any data, but the GUI will allow you to enter the property management company and each property by hand. A directory of images is provided. Be sure to place the “images” directory (provided) inside the “src” directory in Eclipse. The images do not need to display in order for the GUI to continue running.

Upload the initial files from Blackboard and your final java files to GitHub in your repo from Lab 1, in a directory named CMSC203_Assignment4.


Expert Solution

Program Files


public class Property {

private String city, owner, propertyName;
private double rentAmount;
private Plot plot;

* No-arg Constructor, creates a new object with default values of empty strings,
* 0 for rent amount, and default Plot (sets the x, y values to zero, depth and width to 1)
public Property()
{ = "";
this.owner = "";
this.propertyName = "";
this.rentAmount = 0.0;
this.plot = new Plot();

* Copy Constructor, creates a new object using the information of the object passed to it.
* @param propertyName
* @param city
* @param rentAmount
* @param owner
public Property(String propertyName, String city, double rentAmount, String owner)
this.propertyName = propertyName; = city;
this.rentAmount = rentAmount;
this.owner = owner;
this.plot = new Plot();

* Parameterized Constructor, no Plot information provided
* @param propertyName
* @param city
* @param rentAmount
* @param owner
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param depth
public Property(String propertyName, String city, double rentAmount, String owner, int x, int y, int width, int depth)
this.propertyName = propertyName; = city;
this.rentAmount = rentAmount;
this.owner = owner;
this.plot = new Plot(x, y, width, depth);

* Constructor, Parameterized constructor
* @param p
public Property(Property p)
{ =;
this.owner = p.owner;
this.rentAmount = p.rentAmount;
this.propertyName = p.propertyName;
this.plot = new Plot(p.plot);

public String getCity()
return city;

public String getOwner()
return owner;

public String getPropertyName()
return propertyName;

public double getRentAmount()
return rentAmount;

//html file of this class online miss this method
public Plot getPlot()
return plot;

public Plot setPlot(int x, int y, int width, int depth)
return new Plot(x, y, width, depth);

public void setCity(String city)
{ = city;

public void setOwner(String owner)
this.owner = owner;

public void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
this.propertyName = propertyName;

public void setRentAmount(double rentAmount)
this.rentAmount = rentAmount;

* Prints out the name, city, owner and rent amount for a property
* Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object
public String toString()
String toReturn = "Property Name: " + propertyName + "\nLocation: " + city + "\nBelonging to: " + owner +
"\nRent Amount: " + rentAmount;
return toReturn;


public class Plot {

private int x, y, width, depth;
* No-arg Constructor, creates a default Plot with args x=0, y=0, width=1, depth=1
public Plot()
x = 0;
y = 0;
width = 1;
depth = 1;
* Copy Constructor, creates a new object using the information of the object passed to it.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param depth
public Plot(int x, int y, int width, int depth)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.depth = depth;
* Parameterized Constructor
* @param p
public Plot (Plot p)
this.x = p.x;
this.y = p.y;
this.width = p.width;
this.depth = p.depth;

* Determines if this plot overlaps the parameter
* @param p
* @return true if this plot overlaps the parameter, false otherwise
public boolean overlaps(Plot p)
boolean oneOverlapsXYone, oneOverlapsXYtwo, twoOverlapsXYone, twoOverlapsXYtwo,threeOverlapsXYone
, threeOverlapsXYTwo, fourOverlapsXYone, fourOverlapsXYtwo;

oneOverlapsXYone = (p.x >= x && p.x < (x+width)) && (p.y >= y && p.y < (y+depth));
oneOverlapsXYtwo = (x >= p.x && x < (p.x + width)) && (y >= p.y && y < (p.depth + p.y));

twoOverlapsXYone = (p.x + p.width) > x && (p.x + p.width) < (x + width) && p.y >= y && p.y <= (y + depth);
twoOverlapsXYtwo = (x + width) > p.x && (x + width) < (p.x + p.width) && y>= p.y && y <= (p.y + p.depth);

threeOverlapsXYone = p.x >= x && p.x < (x + width) && (p.y + p.depth) > y && (p.y + p.depth) <= (y + depth);
threeOverlapsXYTwo = x >= p.x && x < (p.x + p.width) && (y + depth) > p.y && (y + depth) <= (p.y + p.depth);

fourOverlapsXYone = (p.x + p.width) > x && (p.x +p.width) <= (x + width) && (p.y + p.depth) > y && (p.y + p.depth) <= (y + depth);
fourOverlapsXYtwo = (x + width) > p.x && (x + width) <= (p.x + p.width) && (y + depth) > p.y && (y + depth) <= (p.y + p.depth);

return oneOverlapsXYone || oneOverlapsXYtwo || twoOverlapsXYone || twoOverlapsXYtwo || threeOverlapsXYone
|| threeOverlapsXYTwo || fourOverlapsXYone || fourOverlapsXYtwo;

* Determines if this plot encompasses the parameter
* @param p
* @return Returns true if this plot encompasses the parameter, false otherwise
public boolean encompasses(Plot p)
boolean inX, inY, inWidth, inDepth;
inX = p.x >= x;
inY = p.y >= y;
inWidth = (p.x + p.width) <= (x + width);
inDepth = (p.y + p.depth) <= (y + depth);
return inX && inY && inWidth && inDepth;

public void setX(int x)
this.x = x;

public int getX()
return x;

public void setY(int y)
this.y = y;

public int getY()
return y;

public void setWidth(int width)
this.width = width;
public int getWidth()
return width;

public void setDepth(int depth)
this.depth = depth;
public int getDepth()
return depth;

public String toString()
String toReturn = "Upper Left: (" + x + "," + y + ")" +
" Width: " + width + " Depth: " + depth;
return toReturn;


import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class PlotTest {
private Plot plot1, plot2, plot3, plot4, plot5, plot6, plot7, plot8, plot9,
plot10, plot11, plot12, plot13;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
plot1 = new Plot(12,12,6,6);
plot2 = new Plot(10,10,2,2);
plot3 = new Plot(11,11,3,2);
plot4 = new Plot(16,11,4,2);
plot5 = new Plot(13,14,4,3);
plot6 = new Plot(16,15,3,1);
plot7 = new Plot(11,16,3,3);
plot8 = new Plot(16,17,4,2);
plot9 = new Plot(11,14,2,1);
plot10 = new Plot(19,12,2,2);
plot11 = new Plot(12,12,3,2);
plot12 = new Plot(15,17,3,1);
plot13 = new Plot(15,17,3,1);

public void tearDown() throws Exception {

public void testOverlaps1() {
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot11)); //plot11 is entirely inside plot1
public void testOverlaps2() {
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot3)); //plot3 overlaps the lower left corner of plot1
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot4)); //plot4 overlaps the lower right corner of plot1
public void testOverlaps3() {
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot7)); //plot7 overlaps the upper left corner of plot1
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot8)); //plot8 overlaps the upper right corner of plot1
public void testOverlaps4() {
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot9)); //plot9 overlaps the left side of plot1
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot6)); //plot6 overlaps the right side of plot1
public void testOverlaps5() {
assertFalse(plot3.overlaps(plot9)); //plot9 does not overlap plot3
assertFalse(plot5.overlaps(plot8)); //plot5 does not overlap plot8, but partly share a side
public void testOverlaps6() {
assertFalse(plot3.overlaps(plot4)); //plot4 does not overlap plot3
assertFalse(plot1.overlaps(plot10)); //plot1 does not overlap plot10
assertFalse(plot2.overlaps(plot1)); //plot2 does not overlap plot1
assertTrue(plot12.overlaps(plot13)); //plot12 is exactly the same dimensions as plot13
public void testEncompasses1() {
assertTrue(plot1.encompasses(plot5)); //plot5 is contained in plot1
assertTrue(plot1.encompasses(plot11)); //plot11 is contained in plot1
assertTrue(plot1.encompasses(plot12)); //plot12 is contained in plot1
assertFalse(plot3.encompasses(plot1)); //plot3 overlaps plat1
assertFalse(plot7.encompasses(plot8)); //plot7 overlaps plat8

public void testToString() {
assertEquals("Upper left: (12,12); Width: 6 Depth: 6", ""+plot1);
public void testGetWidth() {
assertEquals(2, plot2.getWidth());
public void testSetX() {
assertEquals(22, plot3.getX());



import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class Plot_GFA_Test {
private Plot plot1, plot2;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
plot1 = new Plot(1,1,2,2);
plot2 = new Plot(2,1,2,2);

public void tearDown() throws Exception {

public void testOverlaps1() {
assertTrue(plot1.overlaps(plot2)); //plot2 overlaps the right side of plot1


public class PropertyMgmDriverNoGui {
* The main method.
* @param args the arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {

//Create property objects
Property p1 = new Property ("Belmar", "Silver Spring", 1200, "John Smith",0,0,1,1);
Property p2 = new Property ("Camden Lakeway", "Rockville", 5000, "Ann Taylor",1,1,1,1);
Property p3 = new Property ("Hamptons", "Rockville", 1250, "Rick Steves",2,2,1,1);
Property p4 = new Property ("Mallory Square", "Wheaton", 1000, "Abbey McDonald",3,3,1,1);
Property p5 = new Property ("Lakewood", "Rockville", 3000, "Alex Tan",4,4,11,11);
//Create management company object
ManagementCompany m = new ManagementCompany("Alliance", "1235",6,0,0,10,10);
//Add the properties to the list of properties of the management company
System.out.println(m.addProperty(p1)); //Should add the property and display the index where the property is added to the array
System.out.println(m.addProperty(p5)); //should display -3 to indicate property plot is not contained in the MgmtCo plot
p5 = new Property ("Lakewood", "Rockville", 3000, "Alex Tan",4,4,1,1);
System.out.println(m.addProperty(p5)); //it should display -4 to indicate the property is not added to the array due to size
//Display the information of the property that has the maximum rent amount
System.out.println("The property with the highest rent:\n" + m.displayPropertyAtIndex(m.maxRentPropertyIndex()));
//Display the total rent of the properties within the management company
System.out.println("\nTotal Rent of the properties: "+m.totalRent()+ "\n");
System.out.println(m); //List the information of all the properties and the total management fee


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