
In: Nursing

Gracie Adams is 81 years old. She lives at Waterloo Nursing Home. She has always been...

Gracie Adams is 81 years old. She lives at Waterloo Nursing Home. She has always been a very light sleeper in the past, but since she has moved into the nursing home, she has really struggled getting more than a couple of hours of sleep at a time. Gracie is frustrated with always being fatigued and never having the energy to play Bingo.

  1. Gracie wants a new medication to be prescribed to help her sleep better. She wants to be able to rest for longer periods of time and feel rested when she wakes up. What types of medications would assist with this need?
  2. Gracie chooses to take a medication but is concerned that she will have other effects from the medication. What side effects can these medications have on her body?
  3. You are concerned with giving Gracie more medications. You want Gracie to try some nonpharmacological measures to get more sleep. What can you advise Gracie to do?
  4. Gracie is now getting more sleep. She is getting to be on a very good routine and getting 10 hours of sleep at night. She is worried about the need to continue on her sleep medications. Can she stop taking the medication and continue sleeping well?
  5. You want to provide Ms. Adams with information about the factors that may be contributing to her inability to get enough restful sleep and measures she can take to help. What information will you provide her?


Expert Solution

Mr Adams is suffering from disturbed sleep so can sleep with the help of prescription sleeping pills.but there is some side effects .

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness, which may leads to fall.
  • Headache.
  • Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and nausea
  • Prolonged drowsiness, more so with drugs that helps to you stay sleep.
  • Severe allergic reaction.
  • Day time performance and memory problems.

Some non pharmacological measures to sleep.

  • Distraction from the problem
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Imagery or superficial message
  • Breathing techniques.
  • Music therapy.
  • Spiritual practices.
  • Environmental modification such as reducing light and noise.
  • Positioning and repositioning.
  • Heat or cold application.
  • Transcutaneous eletrical nerve stimulation.

When you stop to take asleep pills or sedatives ,the best way to stop taking it is gradually reduce the dose with the guidence of a doctor

People who is taking sleeping pills get dependent to that .it varies from person to person. But it is quite common.

Factors affect insomnia is including stress, an irregular sleeping pattern,poor sleeping habits, mental health disorders like anxiety and depression physical illness ,pain ,medication ,neurological problems .All these factors will affect normal sleep pattern .But it is vary from each person. Caffeine is also a cause sleep pattern. Alcohol is a sedative and it makes you sleep.But actually worsen your sleep by disturbing your sleep cycle.

We can advise to ms Adams about to maintain

  • Good sleeping cycle , keeping same time in every day.
  • Reduce lights when sleep ,choose calm and quite place to sleep.
  • Avoid sleeping in day time.
  • Avoid stress ,seek doctor if needed.
  • Get treatment for other physical illness and pain.
  • Advise to use medicines only by the doctor advise.
  • Avoid alcohol ,caffeine and nicotine .

All these are will help to maintain good sleep after stop medication also .Reassure her that it will take little time to get well.

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