In: Economics
Due Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 by 5:15 pm
Required format: This assignment is worth 20 pts. You should use
Microsoft Word or a similar typing program to write your answers to
the questions below. Hand-written copies will be subject to a
deduction of 5 pts. Take a photo of your graphs and paste them as a
picture in your document or draw them using one of the drawing
tools available in Excel or Word. All the publications and internet
sources you rely upon to prepare some of your answers should be
listed at the end in the form of a proper bibliography (which
should include complete information on magazine or journal titles,
dates of publication, page numbers, and website addresses - if
Submission: You are expected to submit two copies of your homework
– a hard copy in class on Tuesday, February 20 and an electronic
copy via the drop box created on HuskyCT. Your work will be checked
for plagiarism via SafeAssign. Submitting the same answers as a
fellow student or simply copying information from a
publication/internet source is considered plagiarism. According to
Uconn policies such assignments receive 0 points. Late submission
is allowed, but is subject to a 3-points deduction per day.
1. The following table indicates the monthly quantities of lamb
meat supplied and demanded at different prices.
Price of Lamb Meat ($ per pound)
Quantity Demanded (in thousands)
Quantity Supplied (in thousands) $4 76 56 $5 70 60 $6 64 64 $7 58
68 $8 52 72 $9 46 76
(a) Use the above information to plot the demand and supply curves
for lamb meat (make sure to properly label your graph). What is the
equilibrium price and quantity? How do you know? (1 pt.) (b) Why is
the demand curve downward sloping? Why is the supply curve upward
sloping? Explain briefly. (1 pt.) (c) What would happen if the
price of lamb meat increases to $9? What would happen if it falls
to $4? Support both answers with appropriate graphs and arguments.
Determine the market condition due to each change. Hint: Remember
the discussion in class about gasoline shortage. (2 pts.) (d) In
what direction would equilibrium price and quantity move (i.e.
increase, decrease, or not change) if there is a decrease in the
number of lamb meat consumers (say, due to change in dietary
preferences)? Use a graph to illustrate the situation and explain
your answer. (1.5 pts.) (e) In what direction would equilibrium
price and quantity move (i.e. increase, decrease, or not change) if
the cost of producing lamb meat decreases? Use a graph to
illustrate the situation and explain your answer. Ignore the change
in part d. (1.5 pts.)
ARE 1110, Spring 2018, Emma Bojinova
2. Typically, goods that are in high demand have a high market
price. However, some goods that are in high demand during their
peak season have lower prices as compared to their out-of-season
price. Use your knowledge of supply & demand to explain the
lower equilibrium price of cherries sold in the summer (their peak
season), as compared to their price during the rest of the year
(say, in the winter). Show it graphically and briefly explain. (3
Hint: You should draw two demand and two supply curves in the same
graph (for winter and summer). Start with the winter to show your
initial demand and initial supply of cherries. Then, show the
changes that occur in the summer months and prove that the price of
cherries in the summer is lower than in the winter.
3. Consider the market for railroad transportation (number of
railroad trips offered/produced and demanded). The two parties
directly involved in a railroad transaction, the railway company
and passengers, both benefit from having railroad transportation.
Assume that railway engines create sparks that ignite surrounding
woodlands and farmlands, thus, destroying timber and crops. (a) Use
a demand-supply diagram to illustrate the market equilibrium in
railroad transportation. Show the demand and supply curves. Label
the market equilibrium quantity Qm and the market equilibrium price
Pm. (1 pt.)
(b) Use the concept of externalities to argue that the free market
will not produce the socially desirable quantity of railroad
transportation (Qsd). Use your demand-supply diagram to compare the
free market and the socially desirable quantities of railroad trips
(i.e. which one is greater?). Is this a positive or a negative
externality? Is it a production or a consumption externality? Hint:
Do you have two different marginal cost curves or two different
marginal benefit curves? (2 pts.)
(c) What kind of government policies could be used to improve upon
the free market outcome in 3(a)? Discuss briefly two possible
policies. (1.5 pts.)
4. (a) Define the terms Gross National Product (GNP) and Real Per
Capita GNP. (1 pt.)
(b) State and explain three limitations of using real per capita
gross domestic product as a measure of national well-being and
progress when comparing different countries. (1.5 pts.)
5. In 2017, the population of Sugarland was 200 million and its GNI
(or GNP) was $80 billion. You are also told the following facts
about this country: annual birth rate is 3.5%, annual death rate is
1.5%, annual net migration is 0.5 million, and GNI increases each
year by $5 billion. (a) What will be the population of Sugarland in
2018? Note that net migration is given in millions, not in
percentage. (1.5 pts.) (b) Calculate the per capita GNI of
Sugarland in 2017 and in 2018. At what percentage rate will per
capita GNI grow in this one year time period? (1.5 pts.)