
In: Nursing

Mr. Jimbo complains of severe headaches and requests morphine, a narcotic pain medication, to control his...

Mr. Jimbo complains of severe headaches and requests morphine, a narcotic pain medication, to control his pain. A physician orders Ibuprofen 800 mg for Mr. Jimbo’s headaches and tells the nurse, “Under no circumstances are you to tell Mr. Jimbo what type of medication I ordered for his pain. Just tell him it is his pain med. He is just an addict that wants narcotics.”After the physician leaves, Mr. Jimbo asks for pain medication. You bring the Ibuprofen tablets. Mr. Jimbo asks, “What is it?”How do you respond? What ethical principles can be applied?


Expert Solution

According to the 10 rights of administration of medication, the last right is the right to provide adequate education and information about the drug,its usage and side effects. In the above situation. Patient has a tendency for drug dependence and addiction of narcotic drug, and also the physician instructed to say as pain medication, you can go for that option with the ethical consideration of avoidance of drug malpractice. But ensure safety from your side as documentation with physician's verbal and written instructions which is duly signed up.

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