In 2000 words comapre and contrast the views of two economic
schools of thought the neo classics and marxians and discuss how
relevant their ideas and theories are in todays world
Compare and contrast Jean Piaget 's theory of cognitive
development to Lev Vygotsky's theory. How are they alike? How are
they different? Which theory to you subscribe to?
comapre and contrast the entire process of separating DNA using
electrophoresis and separating proteins using elcterophoresis.
2. draw the diagram and explain what happens during the first
round (cycle) of PCR. include all the materials that are used and
insert where needed. include directional markers where
comapre the differences between a developed and delvelopong
country. Look at their life expentancy and infant mortality rate,
ratio of men vs women. Also tell what the difference is between
rate and tatio and hive an example of each.