Economic systems: is a set of institutions for allocating
resources and making choices to satisfy human wants.
Resource allocation is the assignment of
resources to specific tasks to determine the basic economic
choices, which are what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to
produce for.
- What and how much will be produced?
In a market system the forces and
interaction of supply and demand for each commodity determines what
and how much to produce. Prices are the reflection of the scarce
- How will be produced?
The problem is what combination or mix
of productive resources or inputs should be used in order to
produce a desired product. That is to use more labor and less
capital or vice versa, to more skilled labor and less units of
unskilled labor or vice versa. In a price system, the combination
or mix of inputs should be based on least-combination method. This
method maximizes the profit and minimizes the cost. In other words,
the least-cost combination is the level of input use that produces
a given level of output at minimum cost. On the other hand, in a
price system, competition will force firms to use the least cost
combination method. Competition means there are large numbers of
buyers and sellers in each market that are acting independently.
Therefore, those firms that use the least cost combination method
will be able to lower the price of their products and make a
- For whom it will be produced?
The distribution of goods and services depends on the
distribution of money income. Money income, in turn, depends on the
quantity, quality and the types of resources and the prices of the
product. Therefore, the distribution of finished goods and services
will depend on consumers. ability and willingness to pay the market
price. In fact, relative prices ration the available resources,
goods and services.
Resources may be allocated by tradition, by markets, or by
planning. In a traditional economy, goods and resources are
allocated according to historical patterns. However, in a market
economy, goods and resources are allocated according to the
decisions of individual producers and consumers.
In a Planning economy, goods and resources are allocated
according to the central directions of a government agency.
- Pure Capitalism: is an economic system in
which individuals own productive resources, and those individuals
can use resources in whatever manner they choose, subject to common
productive legal restrictions. In other words, it is the private
ownership of productive resources including labor and the use of
market mechanism and prices to coordinate economic activities. This
system concerns the three Ps, prices, profits, and private
property. This economic system is sometimes referred to as a
laissez-fair system. Producing those goods and resources that
people will buy at profitable prices will yield efficiency. In
fact, advocates of this system argue that it encourages efficiency,
stability of output and employment and economic growth. The
government is limited to provide certain public goods such as
national defense, basic education, and legal systems.
- The Command Economy (Communism) is a system in
which workers are motivated to contribute to the community interest
rather than working to promote self-interest. It is a system where
government mostly decides what and how much to produce how it will
be produced, and who will get them. That is by public ownership of
all property resources and economic decision making process through
centrally planned economy. For example, all major decisions
concerning the level of resource use, the distribution of output
and income, and the organization of output are directed and
determined by the central planning board of the government.
Incentives under this system tend to yield in an inefficient use of
- Mixed Economy (Welfare Capitalism) is an
economic system in which decisions about how resources should be
used are actually made partly private sector and partly by public
sector (ex. U.S., Japan, and others)
It is a system where most wealth is
generated by businesses, but the government plays a major part in
allocating resources. The resources are obtained from business and
workers in the form of taxes.
- Socialism is an economic system in which the
state owns a major share of the productive resources, except for
labor (Sweden, and some other European countries).
Frontier capitalism: Economics in transition
from state ownership and control of resources to a system private
ownership system in which the price system is used for resource
Pure Capitalism and
the Market System: Under this system resources flow into
activities that are most profitable and out of those activities
that are not as profitable (losses). Therefore, profits determines
what to produce and in turn what to produce will be determined by
what people will buy at profitable prices.
- Private property: private individuals and firms own
resources. Property rights apply intellectual property
through patents and copyrights. This encourages people to innovate,
invent new products and seek for an exchange.
- B- Freedom of enterprise and choice: Resource
owners including labor are free to move in and out of industries
and geographical location. Private owners have the right to obtain
economic resources, and to organize those resources. Resources move
to areas of higher profits. Owners can manage their property and
money and workers are free to choose jobs in which they are
qualified. Consumers decide through their choices what to produce.
Workers maximize their satisfaction by finding the best jobs that
can fit their qualification.
- C- Market price system: Prices are determined
by the interaction of demand and supply. In a market system, prices
are a communicational system through which producers and consumers
carry out their decisions.
- Risk takers are rewarded by higher profits but
those who takes bad business decisions will suffer losses.
- Decisions about what and how much should be produced,
how it should be produced, and for whom it should be
produced are decentralized and made by individuals who are
acting independently. That is individuals are self-interest
motivated and therefore, firms maximize the profit and minimize the
cost. Consumers also maximize the satisfaction of goods and
services b seeking the lowest price. Workers maximize their
utility(satisfaction), by finding the best jobs that can fit their
- Limited government intervention: There is
little need for government intervention under this system, and
therefore the economy is self-regulating and self-adjusting
mechanism. The government is limited to provide certain public
goods such as defense, legal system, and protection of property