Choose a Texas Governor, any Governor (current or past). Write a
short biographical essay of your chosen governor. You should
include: 1. Where he or she was born. 2. Where he or she was
educated. 3. What affect (if any) might where he or she was born
and educated may have had on their political ideology. 4. Party
affiliation? 5. Significant legislative development during his/her
administration(s) 6. Significant legislative battles during his/her
administration(s) * 500 minimum word count * Appropriate...
Who is the current Texas governor and what political party does
the governor represent? Discuss the governor’s informal powers.
What are informal powers? How do the informal powers help the
What is authority? What is the difference between formal and
informal authority? What is the difference between centralized and
decentralized authority? Give an example of how authority works in
an organization with which you are familiar, and explain whether or
not it is effective.
The Texas Senate and Governor has hired you as an economic and
policy advisor. Your clients would like to know if they should
raise minimum wages, inclusive of the minimum wages of wait staff.
What are your policy recommendations? The macro argument should
involve theories learned from CPI, GDP Economic Growth, Aggregate
Demand and Aggregate Supply, Multiplier effect, Public Policy
Fiscal and Monetary policy etc. BE SPECIFIC
The Texas Senate and Governor has hired you as an economic and
policy advisor. Your clients would like to know if they should
raise minimum wages, inclusive of the minimum wages of wait staff.
What are your policy recommendations?
The micro argument should involve theories learned from:
Theory of the Firm, Costs of Production, Resources Costs, MRP,
The Texas Senate and Governor has hired you as an economic and
policy advisor. Your clients would like to know if they should
raise minimum wages, inclusive of the minimum wages of wait staff.
What are your policy recommendations?
The macro argument should involve theories learned from
CPI, GDP Economic Growth, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply,
Multiplier effect, Public Policy Fiscal and Monetary policy etc
The Texas Senate and Governor has hired you as an economic and
policy advisor. Your clients would like to know if they should
raise minimum wages, inclusive of the minimum wages of wait staff.
What are your policy recommendations?
The micro argument should involve theories learned from:
Theory of the Firm, Costs of Production, Resources Costs, MRP,