When it comes to paying-off credit
card debt, a balance transfer credit card is one of the best
options to help chip away at debt and avoid extra charges in
interest. A balance transfer credit card can transfer debt from one
or more accounts to a new card. The best balance tranfer cards
offer lengthy introductory peroid with zero percent APR
offers, providing a window to pay-off tge combined baance, interest
Pros of balance tranfer
- Save money on interest: Balance
tranfer credit cards are generally characterized by zero percent
APR offers. These offers provide you with time to pay off our
credit card debt without being charged interest.
- Consolidate our Debt: Balance
tranfer credit cards allow for several tranfers, giving us the
ability to consolidate debt from multiple cards.
- Opportunity to earn rewards: If we
have good to excellent credit, we can qualify for a balance tranfer
card with a rewards structure and other perks. Once our debt is
paid off, we can continue to use the card to earn rewards on our
Pros of balance tranfer
- Fee for each balance transfer: For
each balance we transfer to our new card, we pay a balance tranfer
fee. These fees range from 3 to 5 percent of the total amonut we
want to transfer .
- Poor Credit: Most balance transfer
cards with zero APR offers require good to excellent credit. For
those with bad credit, we can expect a low APR for a set time
peroid, but nothing to long.