
In: Nursing

Last night, there was this actress on TV talking about having colon cancer and saying that...

Last night, there was this actress on TV talking about having colon cancer and saying that everybody over 50 should get tested. It brought back memories of my father’s cancer, how thin and weak he got before he went to the doctor, so that by the time they found the cancer it had already spread too far. But I don’t think I’m at risk. I only eat red meat two or three times a week, and I eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable at every meal. I don’t smoke, and I get plenty of exercise, sunshine, and fresh air working in the vineyard.

Which lifestyle factors reduce Gustavo’s risk for cancer? What factors increase his risk? Would you recommend he increase his consumption of fruits and vegetables? Why or why not? If Gustavo were your father, would you urge him to have the screening test for colon cancer?


Expert Solution

The lifestyle factors which decreases the risk of Gustavo having cancer are:-

1.Eating a fruit or vegetable at every meal- eating fresh fruits and vegetables decrease the risk of not only colon cancer but all type of cancers.

2.Doing plenty of excercises- Being physically active and doing exercises regularly reduces the risk of cancer to a greater extent.By doing regular exercise one can stay lean and fit and reduce the risk of getting cancer as obesity is one of the major factor increasing the risk of cancers.Not only colon cancers excersie also reduces the risk of breast and reproductive cancers.

3.Taking plenty of sunshine- Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D.Takjng plenty of sunshine helps the body synthesise good amount of Vitamin D in the body.Vitamin D is shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer as well as prostate cancer and many other malignancies.

4.Taking fresh air working in the vineyard- Exposure to a good environment counts a lot in causation of cancer.A good healthy environment leads to decreased risk of cancers.Taking fresh air also improve body circulation.

5.No smoking- Gustavo doesn't smoke which is very good thing.Not only colon cancer but smoking increase risk of lung cancer also.Tobbaco increase the risk of developing colon cancer.

The factors which increase Gustavo's risk of having cancer are:-

1.Genetic- Gustavo's father was diagnosed with colon cancer.Usually only 1in 3 person who have a family history of colon cancer acquire colon cancer but still it's a risk factor.

2.Consumption of red meat-Although the consumption of red meat by Gustavo is not very high but still it is a very potent risk factor for the development of colon cancer and that too in a individual who has a family history of colon cancer further increase the risk.

Increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables is always recommend.Eatjng healthy will always keep one heathy.Along with this reduction in the consumption of red meat must be included.Along with this the intake of fruits and vegetables by Gustavo is not very good.He should increase this amount and reduce the consumption of red meat.

If Gustavo would have been my father I would have suggested him to go for a screening for colon cancer.The first thing to support this would be the family history which is positive for colon cancer.Second thing is the inclusion of red meat in his diet which may become a factor to contribute towards colon cancer.I would have suggested this to him specifically after his 50s as older age also increases the risk of colon cancer.And as it is well known that prevention is better than cure and that too when the cure of cancer is still not very well defined.

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