In: Biology
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme required during the process of converting sugar into energy in cells of the body.
LDH is present in many body tissues, including the liver, heart, pancreas, kidneys, skeletal muscles, lymph tissue, and blood cells.
When tissues are damaged or diseased, they release LDH isoenzymes into the bloodstream.
The isoenzymes of LDH are LDH-1, LDH-2, LDH-3, LDH-4, and LDH5
Different LDH isoenzymes are found in different body tissues. The areas of highest concentration for each type of isoenzyme are:
-LDH-1: heart and red blood cells
-LDH-2: heart and red blood cells
-LDH-3: lymph tissue, lungs, platelets, pancreas
-LDH-4: liver and skeletal muscle
-LDH-5: liver and skeletal muscle
So according to the patient symptom the patient suffering from pancreatitis in which the abdominal pain radiates to back,loss of appetite.
LDH 3 will be elevated because the injury is in pancreas.
Other investigation recommend are
Serum amylase,serum lipase
Liver function test.