What is data mining? What are the steps in the data
mining pipeline? What are the different kinds of tasks in data
What are the different types of data? How do you
manage data quality? What is sampling? How do you design algorithms
for sampling? How do you compute similarity and dissimilarity in
How do you mine frequent itemsets and discover
association rules from transaction data? How are space constraints
handles in transactional data while designing algorithms to...
What is Healthcare Informatics?
What is Information Systems?
What is Data Mining?
Take a moment and share your personal takeaway from one of this
week’s videos. What did you learn that you didn't already know? How
might this new knowledge benefit you in your practice? Perform a
literature review to find support for your position.
Your comments are to include an APA in-text citations and a
Reference List. Source material is to be integrated into the
comments. Comments are to...
Provide an example on how data mining can turn a large
collection of data into knowledge that can help meet a current
global challenge in order to improve healthcare outcomes.
What is Data mining in
Explain briefly the
most common challenges of data mining on Medical Databases?
add the references at
the end of your paper
What are some pros and cons to data mining? Provide an example
of when data mining was used and the outcome provided an incorrect
assumption or issue. How can these types of situations be avoided
in the future?