In: Statistics and Probability
We keep tossing a fair coin n = 106 million times, write down the outcomes: it gives a Heads-and-Tails-sequence of length n. We call an integer i special, if the i, i + 1, i + 2, i + 3, . . . , i + 18-th elements of the sequence are all Heads. That is, we have a block of 19 consecutive Heads starting with the i-th element of the sequence. Let X denote the number of special integers i. What is the expected value of X? I also want the numerical value.
be the indicator random variable that takes the value 1 if the ith
coin is the first coin in a sequence of 19 consecutive heads.
For any sequence of length 19, the starting coin can be from
Thus the number of such sequences is
The expected number of such sequences is
Now the expectation for
to be a sequence of k heads is
(since each toss is independent, expectations can be multiplied and expectation of each coin turning a head is 1/2)
The expected number of such sequences is
Now substitute n = 106 million
we get the expected number of such sequences is