
In: Accounting

Required information [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] Wiset Company completes these transactions...

Required information

[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]

Wiset Company completes these transactions during April of the current year (the terms of all its credit sales are 2/10, n/30).

Apr. 2 Purchased $15,500 of merchandise on credit from Noth Company, invoice dated April 2, terms 2/10, n/60.
3 (a) Sold merchandise on credit to Page Alistair, Invoice No. 760, for $6,000 (cost is $3,000).
3 (b) Purchased $1,510 of office supplies on credit from Custer, Inc. Invoice dated April 2, terms n/10 EOM.
4 Issued Check No. 587 to World View for advertising expense, $909.
5 Sold merchandise on credit to Paula Kohr, Invoice No. 761, for $8,100 (cost is $7,600).
6 Received an $85 credit memorandum from Custer, Inc., for the return of some of the office supplies received on April 3.
9 Purchased $10,210 of store equipment on credit from Hal’s Supply, invoice dated April 9, terms n/10 EOM.
11 Sold merchandise on credit to Nic Nelson, Invoice No. 762, for $11,900 (cost is $6,400).
12 Issued Check No. 588 to Noth Company in payment of its April 2 invoice less the discount.
13 (a) Received payment from Page Alistair for the April 3 sale less the discount.
13 (b) Sold $10,200 of merchandise on credit to Page Alistair (cost is $4,700), Invoice No. 763.
14 Received payment from Paula Kohr for the April 5 sale less the discount.
16 (a) Issued Check No. 589, payable to Payroll, in payment of sales salaries expense for the first half of the month, $9,000. Cashed the check and paid employees.
16 (b) Cash sales for the first half of the month are $58,780 (cost is $37,100). (Cash sales are recorded daily from cash register data but are recorded only twice in this problem to reduce repetitive entries.)
17 Purchased $12,000 of merchandise on credit from Grant Company, invoice dated April 17, terms 2/10, n/30.
18 Borrowed $71,000 cash from First State Bank by signing a long-term note payable.
20 (a) Received payment from Nic Nelson for the April 11 sale less the discount.
20 (b) Purchased $1,180 of store supplies on credit from Hal’s Supply, invoice dated April 19, terms n/10 EOM.
23 (a) Received a $800 credit memorandum from Grant Company for the return of defective merchandise received on April 17.
23 (b) Received payment from Page Alistair for the April 13 sale less the discount.
25 Purchased $11,360 of merchandise on credit from Noth Company, invoice dated April 24, terms 2/10, n/60.
26 Issued Check No. 590 to Grant Company in payment of its April 17 invoice less the return and the discount.
27 (a) Sold $3,310 of merchandise on credit to Paula Kohr, Invoice No. 764 (cost is $2,530).
27 (b) Sold $6,400 of merchandise on credit to Nic Nelson, Invoice No. 765 (cost is $5,375).
30 (a) Issued Check No. 591, payable to Payroll, in payment of the sales salaries expense for the last half of the month, $9,000.
30 (b) Cash sales for the last half of the month are $72,200 (cost is $60,600).

Assume that Wiset Co. uses the perpetual inventory system.

2 & 3. Enter the March 31 balances for Cash ($90,000), Inventory ($153,000), Long-Term Notes Payable ($143,000), and B. Wiset, Capital ($100,000). Post the total amounts from the journal in the following general ledger accounts and in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger accounts for Paula Kohr, Page Alistair, and Nic Nelson.

Cash Accounts Receivable
Date Debit Credit Balance Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar. 31
Inventory Long-Term Notes Payable
Date Debit Credit Balance Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar. 31 Mar. 31
B. Wiset, Capital Sales
Date Debit Credit Balance Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar. 31
Sales Discounts Cost of Goods Sold
Date Debit Credit Balance Date Debit Credit Balance
Page Alistair Paula Kohr
Date Debit Credit Balance Date Debit Credit Balance
Nic Nelson
Date Debit Credit Balance


Expert Solution


Date Account Titles Debit Credit
April $ $
2 Inventory 15,500
Accounts Payable 15,500
3 ( a) Accounts Receivable 6,000
Sales 6,000
3( a) Cost of Goods Sold 3,000
Inventory 3,000
3 ( b) Office Supplies 1,510
Accounts Payable 1,510
4 Advertising Expense 909
Cash 909
5 Accounts Receivable 8,100
Sales 8,100
5 Cost of Goods Sold 7,600
Inventory 7,600
6 Accounts Payable 85
Office Supplies 85
9 Store Equipment 10,210
Accounts Payable 10,210
11 Accounts Receivable 11,900
Sales 11,900
11 Cost of Goods Sold 6,400
Inventory 6,400
12 Accounts Payable 15,500
Inventory 310
Cash 15,190
13 (a) Cash 5,880
Sales Discounts 120
Accounts Receivable 6,000
13 (b ) Accounts Receivable 10,200
Sales 10,200
13 (b) Cost of Goods Sold 4,700
Inventory 4,700
14 Cash 7,938
Sales Discounts 162
Accounts Receivable 8,100
16 (a) Sales Salaries Expense 9,000
Cash 9,000
16 ( b) Cash 58,780
Sales 58,780
16 (b) Cost of Goods Sold 37,100
Inventory 37,100
17 Inventory 12,000
AccountsPayable 12,000
18 Cash 71,000
Long Term Note Payable 71,000
20 ( a) Cash 11,662
Sales Discounts 238
Accounts Receivable 11,900
20 (b) Store Supplies 1,180
Accounts Payable 1,180
23 (a) Accounts Payable 800
Inventory 800
23 (b) Cash 9,996
Sales Discounts 204
Accounts Receivable 10,200
25 Inventory 11,360
Accounts Payable 11,360
26 Accounts Payable 11,200
Inventory 224
Cash 10,976


27 ( a ) Accounts Receivable 3,310
Sales 3,310
27 (a) Cost of Goods Sold 2,530
Inventory 2,530
27 (b) Accounts Receivable 6,400
Sales 6,400
27 (b) Cost of Goods Sold 5,375
Inventory 5,375
30 ( a) Sales Salaries Expense 9,000
Cash 9,000
30 (b) Cash 72,200
Sales 72,200
30 (b) Cost of Goods Sold 60,600
Inventory 60,600


General Ledger
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 90,000
Apr 4 909
Apr 12 15,190
Apr 13 5,880
Apr 14 7,938
Apr 16 9,000
Apr 16 58,780
Apr 18 71,000
Apr 20 11,662
Apr 23 9,996
Apr 26 10,976
Apr 30 9,000
Apr 30 72,200
Apr 30 282,381
Accounts Receivable
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 0
Apr 3 6,000
Apr 5 8,100
Apr 11 11,900
Apr 13 6,000
Apr 13 10,200
Apr 14 8,100
Apr 20 11,900
Apr 23 10,200
Apr 27 9,710
Apr 30 9,710
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 153,000
Apr 2 15,500
Apr 3 3,000
Apr 5 7,600
Apr 11 6,400
Apr 12 310
Apr 13 4,700
Apr 16 37,100
Apr 17 12,000
Apr 23 800
Apr 25 11,360
Apr 26 224
Apr 27 7,905
Apr 30 60,600
Apr 30 63,221
Store Supplies
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 0
Apr 20 1,180
Apr 30 1,180
Office Supplies
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 0
Apr 3 1,510
Apr 6 85
Apr 30 1,425
Store Equipment
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 0
Apr 9 10,210
Apr 30 10,210
Accounts Payable
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 0
Apr 2 15,500
Apr 3 1,510
Apr 6 85
Apr 9 10,210
Apr 12 15,500
Apr 17 12,000
Apr 20 1,180
Apr 23 800
Apr 25 11,360
Apr 26 11,200
Apr 30 24,175
Long Term Notes Payable
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 143,000
Apr 18 71,000
Apr 30 214,000
B. Wiset, Capital
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 100,000
Apr 30 100,000
Date Debit Credit Balance
Apr 3 6,000
Apr 5 8,100
Apr 11 11,900
Apr 13 10,200
Apr 16 58,780
Apr 27 9,710
Apr 30 72,200 176,890
Sales Discounts
Date Debit Credit Balance
Apr 13 120
Apr 14 162
Apr 20 238
Apr 23 204
Apr 30 724
Cost of Goods Sold
Date Debit Credit Balance
Apr 3 3,000
Apr 5 7,600
Apr 11 6,400
Apr 13 4,700
Apr 16 37,100
Apr 27 7,905
Apr 30 60,600 127,305
Advertising Expense
Date Debit Credit Balance
Apr 4 909
Apr 30 909
Sales Salaries Expense
Date Debit Credit Balance
Apr 16 9,000
Apr 30 9,000 18,000


Accounts Receivable Ledger
Page Alistair
Date Debit Credit Balance
March 31 0
Apr 3 6,000
Apr 13 6,000
Apr 13 10,200
Apr 23 10,200
Apr 30 0
Paula Kohr
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 0
Apr 5 8,100
Apr 14 8,100
Apr 27 3,310
Apr 30 3,310
Nic Nelson
Date Debit Credit Balance
Mar 31 0
Apr 11 11,900
Apr 20 11,900
Apr 27 6,400
Apr 30 6,400

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