
In: Nursing

34. Write all of the letters that are vowels in the order that they appear in...

34. Write all of the letters that are vowels in the order that they appear in the alphabet including Y. Switch the order of the second and third vowels in the list. Change the fourth and fifth vowels to Y. What does the list of the letters look like now?
a. A I E O Y Y
b. A I E Y Y
c. A I E Y Y Y
d. A I E Y
35. He answered the attorney’s question strictly with grace and panache. To determine the detonative meaning of panache, a student should which of the following references?
a. Merriam-Webster collegiate dictionary
b. Brewers dictionary of modern phrases
c. The American heritage new dictionary of cultural literacy
d. A companion to the English language
36. Claim: Lead in drinking water will harm humans
Which of the following pieces of data will be best evidence to support this claim?
a. After using water that contains high levels of lead, people started experiencing joint pain.
b. After using water that contains high levels of lead, people noticed that their toothbrush is stained yellow.
c. After using water that contains high levels of lead, people reported a metallic taste.
d. After using water that contains high levels of lead, people reported leaking pipes.
Read the label below and answer the questions
Label not available
37. A doctor recommends that her patient eats a diet that is high on protein but moderate in sodium. Which of the following meats will be the best choice for this diet?
a. Lamb
b. Beef
c. Chicken
d. Turkey
38. Patrons of the medical clinic are expected to use the north entrance. All staff members are required to use staff entrance. Which of the following is a synonym of patrons?
a. Patients
b. Social workers
c. Doctors
d. Nurses


Expert Solution

34.The vowels are A E I O U

adding Y it will be AEIOUY

Switching the order of second and third vowel will be A I E O U Y

changing fourth and fifth vovelnto Y it will be AIE YY Y

so it will be AIEYYY


35.Merrian Webster collegiate dictionary has meaning for many new words ,current words which are in use

The Brewer's dictionary is used to get definition and description of a word.

The American heritage new dictionary consists of words from the past and is more culturally literatured

The companion of English language is nothing but the Oxford dictionary can be used to search the meaning of any terms or worss

Ans:A companion to English language

36.Joint pain is the side effects of drinking lead water

Usually water containing iron can taste metallic and not lead

The teeth may stain and not the tooth brush but this can happen in case fluoride in water

Corrosion or damage to pipe is not related to the health problems

Ans:After using water that contains high levels of lead, people stated experiencing joint pain

37.The chicken has high protein and low sodium

The beef and lamb has increased sodium

The turkey breast has low sodium


38.Here Patrons refers to the patient or the client or the customer of the healthcare sector.

The doctors, nurses and social worker are considered to be the staff and not client, customer or other outside stakeholders.


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