In: Economics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Construct a Budget Constraint (in an Algebraic equation and Graph form) for 'Rational' Consumer A from the following characteristics: Total resources = 2000 units; Good X ; Price of Good X = 200 units; Good Z; Price of Good Z = 10 units: Identify (label) areas of 'economic efficiency' and 'economic inefficiency'. Explain what is meant by 'economic efficiency' and 'economic inefficiency'.
Answer question
Economic efficiency means the situation where nothing can be improved without something else being hurt or where no one can be made better off without making others worse off. There are two concepts of economic efficiency- allocative efficiency and productive efficiency.
Economic inefficiency means the situation where there is some
scope of improving the condition by making people better off
without making others worse off. It is possible to generate a
larger share of welfare with the available resources.