
In: Computer Science

Part four: using JDBC with mysql for project management program. I cannot copy the whole code,...

Part four: using JDBC with mysql for project management program. I cannot copy the whole code, so will split it into a few parts.

See part one and two and three.

Part four of The code is (starts at line 499, rest of code):

catch (Exception e)
if (foundSomething)
// pass
System.out.print("Search result is empty!\n");
goBacktoMenu(); // go back to main menu
static void finalizeMenu(ArrayList<ProjectDetails> projectList)
System.out.print("========================Finalize project==========================\n\n");
System.out.print("Note that there are currently " + projectNum + " project(s) registered.\n"
+ "Project numbers start from 1\n");
if (projectNum == 0)
{ // there are 0 projects do not allow user to continue
System.out.print("\nEnter the project number you want to finalize: ");
int index = 0;
String i = userInput.nextLine();
index = Integer.parseInt(i); // convert user input to integer
catch (Exception e)
System.out.print("**wrong input format!**");
index = index - 1; // subscript start at 0
if (index >= 0 && index < projectNum && projectList.isEmpty() == false && projectList.get(index) != null)
System.out.print("\n\n"); // newlines
System.out.print("Make sure you enter a valid project number!\n");
static void getExistingProjects(ArrayList<ProjectDetails> projectList) throws FileNotFoundException
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // list will store projects from txt file
ProjectDetails proj = new ProjectDetails(); // create project object that will be stored in projectList
   boolean finalized = Boolean.parseBoolean(list.get(1));
   LocalDate dateObj = null;
   DateTimeFormatter myFormatObj = null;
   myFormatObj = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"); // format how date object will be
   dateObj = LocalDate.parse(list.get(7), myFormatObj);
   proj.setDate(dateObj); // project date assigned
   dateObj = LocalDate.parse(list.get(8), myFormatObj);
   proj.setProjectDeadline(dateObj); // project deadline
   ProjectDetails.setCustomer(list.get(9), list.get(10), list.get(11), list.get(12), "customer");
   ProjectDetails.setArchitect(list.get(13), list.get(14), list.get(15), list.get(16), "architect");
   ProjectDetails.setContractor(list.get(17), list.get(18), list.get(19), list.get(20), "contractor");
   projectList.add(proj); // add project to the list of projects
   proj.setProjectNum(++projectNum); // increment number of projects
   list.clear(); // list is cleared for next new project
   for(ProjectDetails obj: projectList)
   displayExistingProjects(obj); // display projects to the user
goBacktoMenu(); // Function to go back to main menu.
// Method to go back to main menu.
static void goBacktoMenu()
System.out.print("\n*** Press enter to go back to main menu ***\n");
catch (Exception e)
public static void displayExistingProjects(ProjectDetails proj)
String content = " "; // this variable will store all information pertaining to the project
content = "**************Project number: " + proj.getProjectNum() + " ************************\n\n";
content += "Is project finalized ?: " + proj.isFinalized() + "\n";
content += "Project name: " + proj.getProjectName() + "\n";
content += "Type of building: " + proj.getBuildingType() + "\n";
content += "The physical address for the project: " + proj.getPhysicalAddress() + "\n";
content += "ERF number: " + proj.getErfNum() + "\n";
content += "The total fee charged for the project: " + proj.getTotalFee() + "\n";
content += "The total amount paid to date: " + proj.getTotalPaidtoDate() + "\n";
DateTimeFormatter myFormatObj;
myFormatObj = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd MMMM yyyy");
String formattedDate = proj.getDate().format(myFormatObj);
content += "Project date assigned: " + formattedDate + "\n";
formattedDate = proj.getProjectDeadline().format(myFormatObj);
content += "Project deadline: " + formattedDate + "\n";
content += "\n";
content += "Customer\'s details:\n";
content += "Name: " + proj.getCustomer().getName() + "\n";
content += "Email: " + proj.getCustomer().getEmail() + "\n";
content += "Telephone: " + proj.getCustomer().getTelNum() + "\n";
content += "address: " + proj.getCustomer().getPhysicalAddress() + "\n";
content += "\n";
content += "Architect\'s details:\n";
content += "Name: " + proj.getArchitect().getName() + "\n";
content += "Email: " + proj.getArchitect().getEmail() + "\n";
content += "Telephone: " + proj.getArchitect().getTelNum() + "\n";
content += "address: " + proj.getArchitect().getPhysicalAddress() + "\n";
content += "\n";
content += "Contractor\'s details:\n";
content += "Name: " + proj.getContractor().getName() + "\n";
content += "Email: " + proj.getContractor().getEmail() + "\n";
content += "Telephone: " + proj.getContractor().getTelNum() + "\n";
content += "address: " + proj.getContractor().getPhysicalAddress() + "\n\n";
System.out.print(content); // display projects


Expert Solution

VHDL: Creating a Hierarchical Design

This example describes how to create a hierarchical design using VHDL. The top-level design, called top.vhd, implements an instance of the function logic.vhd. In the top.vhd file, a component for the logic function is declared inside the architecture in which it is instantiated. The Component Declaration defines the ports of the lower-level function.

Related Links

For more information on using this example in your project, refer to the How to Use VHDL Examples section on the VHDL web page.

top.vhd (Top-level file)

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

      PORT(w_in, x_in, y_in :IN std_logic;
               clock        :IN std_logic;
               z_out        :OUT std_logic);
END top;


        PORT(a,b,c    :IN std_logic;
              x       :OUT std_logic);

SIGNAL w_reg, x_reg, y_reg, z_reg   :std_logic;

low_logic       : logic PORT MAP (a => w_reg, b => x_reg, c => y_reg, x => z_reg);

     IF (clock'event AND clock='1') THEN
         w_reg<=w_in; x_reg<=x_in; y_reg<=y_in; z_out<=z_reg; END IF; END PROCESS; END a; </PRE>


USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

      PORT(a,b,c     : IN std_logic;
             x       : OUT std_logic);
END logic;

PROCESS (a,b,c)
     x<=(a and b) or c; END PROCESS; END; </pre>

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