
In: Economics

Starting in May 2010, the PRM‐PMI measures short‐run business conditions in Puerto Rico’s manufacturing sector, and...

Starting in May 2010, the PRM‐PMI measures short‐run business conditions in Puerto Rico’s manufacturing sector, and provides a broad‐based metric for the productive side of Puerto Rico’s economy. The participants include manufacturing establishments with 50 or more employees with membership in the Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association. Currently, results are presented on a Non-Seasonally Adjusted (NSA) basis. In the future, with sufficient data points, a seasonally adjusted version of the PRM‐PMI will be prepared, which will smooth away the influence of seasonal fluctuations. The PRM-PMI is calculated as the simple average of 5 sub‐indexes, representing different business conditions in manufacturing establishments: New Orders PMI, Production PMI, Employment PMI, Supplier Deliveries PMI, Own Inventories PMI. The sub‐indexes are computed using a diffusion index methodology. In specific, for any given month with respect to the previous month, participants are asked to answer whether the business condition of the establishment: (1) improved, (2) remained the same, or (3) deteriorated. Diffusion indexes are calculated as the percentage of responses that indicate the business condition improved plus half of the percentage of responses that indicate the business condition remained the same.

Use the following data to Calculate using excel the regression statistics: Multiple R, R Square, Adjusted R Square, Standard Error, ANOVA, T Stat and P Value

Date PMI General New Orders Production Employment Suppliers Delivery Own inventories Clients inventories Prices paid Backlogs Export orders
1/1/2018 58.5 55 62.5 57.5 57.5 60 55 40 62.5 37.5 50
12/1/2017 53.6 48 48 56 52 70 42 20 60 54 52
11/1/2017 53.5 50 52.5 65 47.5 55 47.5 22.5 62.5 52.5 47.5
10/1/2017 48.1 28.1 40.6 25 40.6 87.5 46.9 15.6 68.8 62.5 40.6
9/1/2017 33.1 12.5 25 9.4 31.2 62.5 37.5 25 50 46.9 34.4
8/1/2017 53.8 59.4 62.5 62.5 53.1 53.1 37.5 37.5 56.2 34.4 62.5
7/1/2017 45.8 42.3 40.4 44.2 48.1 44.2 51.9 36.5 50 21.2 32.7
6/1/2017 43.6 40.4 36 44 44 50 44 38 48 32 28
5/1/2017 48.6 48.2 51.7 53.4 48.3 50 39.7 39.7 50 27.6 44.8
4/1/2017 39.3 25.9 25.9 31.5 37 57.4 44.4 27.8 57.4 27.8 37
3/1/2017 47.9 47.9 52.1 47.9 41.7 52.1 45.8 35.4 52.1 35.4 60.4
2/1/2017 49.2 42 40 56 52 54 44 34 56 38 46
1/1/2017 44.2 40.4 38.5 38.5 46.2 48.1 50 34.6 55.8 34.6 38.5
12/1/2016 46.1 47.8 45.7 37 50 52.2 45.7 37 52.2 28.3 43.5
11/1/2016 49.1 50 45.7 54.3 50 43.5 52.2 34.8 54.3 30.4 43.5
10/1/2016 54.2 55.6 57.7 57.7 51.9 55.8 48.1 38.5 46.2 36.5 55.8
9/1/2016 47.9 51.8 50 46.4 44.6 51.8 46.4 35.7 46.4 26.8 50
8/1/2016 55.7 64.3 66.1 60.7 57.1 41.1 53.6 35.7 48.2 41.1 53.6
7/1/2016 45.8 40.4 42.3 32.7 44.2 53.8 55.8 40.4 48.1 34.6 46.2
6/1/2016 50.7 48.2 50 50 51.8 46.4 55.4 39.3 50 32.1 51.8
5/1/2016 46.6 43.1 39.7 41.4 46.6 51.7 53.4 37.9 50 29.3 46.6
4/1/2016 47.9 42.6 44.1 47.1 52.9 47.1 48.5 36.8 51.5 25 47.1
3/1/2016 54 55 61.7 66.7 51.7 50 40 33.3 48.3 33.3 71.7
2/1/2016 55.4 57.1 62.9 60 51.4 51.4 51.4 31.4 47.1 31.4 57.1
1/1/2016 44.7 38.6 45.6 39.7 44.1 55.9 38.2 39.7 55.9 39.7 50
12/1/2015 44.1 48.3 48.3 36.2 48.3 53.4 34.5 44.8 51.7 31 43.1
11/1/2015 51.1 48.3 53.6 50 41.1 57.1 53.6 37.5 51.8 35.7 44.6
10/1/2015 47.1 57.1 46.4 50 44.6 50 44.6 39.3 50 28.6 50
9/1/2015 52.7 50 46.7 56.7 50 53.3 56.7 36.7 53.3 38.3 51.7
8/1/2015 49.5 54.8 62.5 52.5 52.5 45 35 35 45 32.5 52.5
7/1/2015 49.6 50 47.9 43.8 43.8 47.9 64.6 39.6 52.1 20.8 45.8
6/1/2015 56.7 62 62.5 60.4 56.2 46 58.3 33.3 62 29.2 58.3
5/1/2015 55.8 57.5 65.8 55.3 55.3 42.1 60.5 42.1 57.9 31.6 50
4/1/2015 58.4 62 62 60 52 58 60 40 58 48 50
3/1/2015 58.7 67.4 73.9 56.5 52.2 56.5 54.3 34.8 52.2 54.3 58.7
2/1/2015 61.7 66.7 68.8 66.7 54.2 62.5 56.2 39.6 52.1 47.9 60.4
1/1/2015 49.2 46.4 48.1 44.2 44.2 57.7 51.9 32.7 46.2 44.2 46.2
12/1/2014 49.6 48 50 40 48 52 58 38 54 32 50
11/1/2014 46.7 40.5 42.9 40.5 47.6 57.1 45.2 38.1 54.8 35.7 52.4
10/1/2014 52.9 50 54.2 52.1 47.9 50 60.4 47.2 54.3 42.9 54.3
9/1/2014 48.4 47.9 48 48 38 48 60 57.9 58 41.3 45.7
8/1/2014 53.6 54 60 56 54 50 48 50 54 39.1 54.3
7/1/2014 45.4 37.5 42.9 39.3 48.2 46.4 50 54 55.4 44.2 51.9
6/1/2014 39.7 32.3 37.1 33.9 43.5 45.2 38.7 50 64.5 40.7 46.6
5/1/2014 47.5 44.6 44.6 48.2 39.3 46.4 58.9 52.3 62.5 34 48.1
4/1/2014 47.6 44 48 50 42 52 46 52.4 56 30.4 47.9
3/1/2014 56.4 53 59.1 62.1 54.5 56.1 50 55.4 63.6 32.3 59.7
2/1/2014 52.8 48.3 51.7 56.9 46.6 56.9 51.7 52.1 60.3 42.3 50
1/1/2014 43.6 45.5 42.4 42.4 40.9 50 42.4 44.4 72.7 39.3 50
12/1/2013 41.6 39.1 35.9 35.9 43.8 50 42.2 56 51.6 28.6 44.6
11/1/2013 53.1 54.8 51.7 53.4 51.7 53.4 55.2 50 55 44.4 51.9
10/1/2013 52.1 48.3 55.4 53.6 44.6 58.9 48.2 56.5 63 24 61.5
9/1/2013 50.9 45.6 50 50 50 58.8 45.6 52 68.2 35.5 54.8
8/1/2013 51.5 47 47 51.5 50 57.6 51.5 52.2 68.8 40 57.8
7/1/2013 43.4 42.2 40.6 37.5 39.1 51.6 48.4 54.3 62.5 34.5 44.6
6/1/2013 48.1 46.4 42.6 48.1 44.4 57.4 48.1 52.4 61.5 32 43.5
5/1/2013 49.1 45.7 52.2 50 34.8 56.5 52.2 52.9 56.5 39.1 47.5
4/1/2013 55.8 53.8 59.6 57.7 53.8 51.9 55.8 47.4 59.6 33.3 58.3
3/1/2013 61.7 58.3 67.4 67.4 52.2 56.5 65.2 47.1 63.6 35.7 57.9
2/1/2013 51.2 42.3 55.8 51.9 42.3 55.8 50 42.5 50 43.8 45.5
1/1/2013 55.2 53.7 59.3 57.4 53.7 50 55.6 50 65.4 38.5 47.8
12/1/2012 55 51.6 56.2 46.9 57.8 53.1 60.9 52.1 58.1 41.9 50
11/1/2012 46.2 41.7 45.8 35.4 41.7 52.1 56.2 54.5 56.5 36.4 47.5
10/1/2012 51.5 64.8 57.4 53.7 38.9 51.9 55.6 50 63.5 38.5 44
9/1/2012 47.9 41.4 43.1 41.4 44.8 53.4 56.9 50 53.6 37 53.8
8/1/2012 57.1 58.1 62.9 61.3 56.5 46.8 58.1 45.5 63.8 35 55.6
7/1/2012 52.5 45.6 46.9 46.9 53.1 57.8 57.8 43.8 59.7 40 46.6
6/1/2012 51.9 45.5 50 51.6 46.9 51.6 59.4 50 54.8 38.7 44.8
5/1/2012 59 67.9 64.1 66.7 55.1 51.3 57.7 51.7 58.1 39.7 58.1
4/1/2012 50.6 47.1 52.9 50 48.6 52.9 48.6 48.3 63.2 43.5 51.5
3/1/2012 56.6 57.7 63.2 64.5 56.6 52.6 46.1 48.3 70.3 45.3 59.7
2/1/2012 52.1 50 50 61.8 55.3 52.6 40.8 44.6 70.3 34.8 52.9
1/1/2012 50.9 42.4 53 51.5 47 51.5 51.5 43.2 64.5 40 48.3
12/1/2011 50.9 54.3 52.9 48.6 48.6 55.7 48.6 50 62.1 38.7 53.2
11/1/2011 52.1 65.2 65.2 54.5 48.5 47 45.5 56.8 58.1 36.2 56.5
10/1/2011 54.4 45.7 52.9 51.5 50 55.9 61.8 53.8 60.9 43.1 46.8
9/1/2011 54.4 52.9 54.4 57.4 51.5 57.4 51.5 53.8 72.6 39.7 57.6
8/1/2011 48.2 45.6 51.5 52.9 42.6 54.4 39.7 62.5 70.3 39.7 48.3
7/1/2011 48.5 42.4 43.9 43.9 47 53 54.5 50 70.3 35.7 43.3
6/1/2011 51.4 52.8 57.1 48.6 47.1 50 54.3 47.8 72.7 36.7 57.8
5/1/2011 50 47.4 44.7 48.7 46.1 55.3 55.3 46.4 70 27.3 48.6
4/1/2011 49.2 51.3 50 42.1 53.9 47.4 52.6 44.4 78.4 43.5 41.4
3/1/2011 60.6 66.2 72.1 75 51.5 52.9 51.5 41.7 80.3 48.3 57.8
2/1/2011 51.4 48.7 54.1 50 45.9 50 56.8 50 73.6 33.9 48.4
1/1/2011 51.1 36.8 39.5 46.1 53.9 52.6 63.2 50 75 45.6 47
12/1/2010 55.1 56.2 56.4 59 50 56.4 53.8 46 66.7 51.4 52.9
11/1/2010 50.8 54.1 56.8 55.4 47.3 51.4 43.2 46.3 64.9 55 51.6
10/1/2010 49.1 54.4 50 48.5 39.7 55.9 51.5 54.2 64.7 46.7 46.9
9/1/2010 50.5 48.8 52.6 55.3 42.1 48.7 53.9 46.3 64.5 41.2 50
8/1/2010 51.1 49 56.5 51.1 50 53.3 44.4 45.9 63.3 37.8 54.9
7/1/2010 45.7 40.9 42.9 45.2 45.2 47.6 47.6 57.9 64.3 23.8 50
6/1/2010 53.8 57.9 50 52.7 55.4 59.5 51.4 48.6 60.8 43.2 46.9
5/1/2010 55.1 45.7 61.7 58.5 52.1 51.1 52.1 48.9 62.8 38.3 60.5


Expert Solution

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept -0.02556 0.051656 -0.49479 0.622069 -0.12832 0.077202 -0.12832 0.077202
X Variable 1 -0.00063 0.000752 -0.83923 0.403782 -0.00213 0.000865 -0.00213 0.000865
X Variable 2 0.199707 0.000799 249.8497 6E-120 0.198117 0.201297 0.198117 0.201297
X Variable 3 0.200248 0.000587 341.1628 5E-131 0.19908 0.201415 0.19908 0.201415
X Variable 4 0.201001 0.000721 278.6942 7.8E-124 0.199566 0.202436 0.199566 0.202436
X Variable 5 0.200067 0.000639 313.1149 5.6E-128 0.198796 0.201338 0.198796 0.201338
X Variable 6 0.20027 0.000468 427.8364 4.3E-139 0.199338 0.201201 0.199338 0.201201
X Variable 7 4.65E-05 0.000414 0.112201 0.910938 -0.00078 0.00087 -0.00078 0.00087
X Variable 8 -0.00018 0.000457 -0.38757 0.69934 -0.00109 0.000731 -0.00109 0.000731
X Variable 9 -6.6E-05 0.000499 -0.13147 0.895723 -0.00106 0.000927 -0.00106 0.000927
X Variable 10 8.77E-05 0.000668 0.131369 0.895805 -0.00124 0.001417 -0.00124


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