
In: Economics

This assignment builds on Globalization and Culture (Steger, 2017, p. 80) involves both the homogenization, and...

This assignment builds on Globalization and Culture (Steger, 2017, p. 80) involves both the homogenization, and hybridization of cultural practices throughout the world. This assignment invites you to consider how the dynamics of cultural globalization shape your own lived experiences.

Instructions: Your task is to choose any ONE specific cultural product, experience, or expression, and explain how it reflects the dynamics of cultural globalization. You may, for example, choose to consider the ways in which a particular food you enjoy or music you listen to demonstrates the phenomenon of ‘glocalization,’ or perhaps how the adoption of a Western style of dress or the global popularity of an American movie reflects the phenomenon of cultural homogenization. Investigate your chosen example by exploring one or two credible outside sources for further information (e.g. news sites, business websites, magazine articles, music videos, etc.). Once you have a good amount of detailed information about your specific cultural product, experience, or expression, use theoretical and empirical details drawn from your readings, and related learning materials to explain precisely how your example demonstrates the phenomenon of cultural globalization. Remember to properly reference all ideas and information using APA referencing format, to avoid the serious academic offense of plagiarism.


Expert Solution

Cultural globalization is the fast movement of ideas ,  attitudes, values,and cultural products across the globe. The globalization of food is an important example of cultural globalization An important aspect of culture is food consumption. Most countries around the world have unique diets.Cultural globalization of food has been taken forward by fast food giants like Mc Donald, Coca cola and Star bucks .This has led to the fall in the demand for local diets as well as traditional eating. My product here is American fast food. Diffusion of certain cuisines is an example of cultural globalisation and American fast food like Mc Donald and Star bucks is an example..In the year 2015 , as many as 36,000and 24,000, Mc Donalds and Starbucks outlets were operating in the world .Mc Donald has become a symbol of cultural globalization and brought Big Mac and French fries to the world.Globalization has led to the adopting western fast foods worldwide.

In the article Fast food globalization, it has been mentioned  that in the third world countries there has been loss of local culture due to the growing demand for fast food .Western fast food has grown all over the world especially in China.Fast food restaurants across China has expanded at a fast rate which is having impact on the economy.The fast food industry has dominated the culture of different countries to such an extent that it looks more a product of the world than the American nation.

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