
In: Computer Science

The second facilitator has elaborated on software. a. Using suitable examples, differentiate between system software and...

The second facilitator has elaborated on software.
a. Using suitable examples, differentiate between system software and application software
b. Describe three (3) major categories of system software.
c. Using appropriate examples, describe three (3) types of interfaces that are commonly used.
d. Compare and contrast between Workgroup Applications and Enterprise Applications.

The final session of the workshop was focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Over the last decade, AI has grown from a pipe dream into the driving force behind the fourth industrial revolution.

a. What is Artificial Intelligence?

b. What are the various areas where AI can be used?

c. Differentiate between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

d. Discuss on five (5) benefits and five (5) drawbacks of developing Artificial Intelligence in this generation


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a. Using suitable examples, differentiate between system software and application software

System Software Application Software
They are designed to manage the resources of the system, like memory and process management, security, etc. They are designed to fulfill the requirements of the user for performing specific tasks.
It is written in a low-level language like a machine or assembly language. A high-level language is used to write Application Software.
The System Software starts running when the system is powered on and runs until the system is powered off. The Application Software starts when the user begins, and it ends when the user stops it.
The System Software is a general-purpose software Application Software is specific purpose software.
It is classified as a package program or customized program. It is classified as time-sharing, resource sharing, client-server.
Installed on the computer system at the time when the operating system is installed. Installed as per user's requirements.
Capable of running independently. Can't run independently.
Users never interact with system software as it functions in the background. Users interact with application software while using specific applications.
System software are independent of the application software Application software needs system software to run.
Some examples of system software’s are compiler, assembler, debugger, driver, etc.

On other hand some examples of application software’s are word processor, web browser, media player, etc.

b. Describe three (3) major categories of system software.

System software is a software that provides platform to other softwares. Some examples can be operating systems, antivirus softwares, disk formating softwares, Computer language translators etc. These are commonly prepared by the computer manufacturers. These softwares consists of programs written in low-level languages, used to interact with the hardware at a very basic level. System software serves as the interface between the hardware and the end users.

Operating system:

An operating system (OS) is a type of system software that manages computer’s hardware and software resources. It provides common services for computer programs. An OS acts a link between the software and the hardware. It controls and keeps a record of the execution of all other programs that are present in the computer, including application programs and other system software.

Compiler :

A compiler is a software that translates the code written in one language to some other language without changing the meaning of the program. The compiler is also said to make the target code efficient and optimized in terms of time and space.

Interpreter :

An interpreter is a computer program that directly executes, i.e. it performs instructions written in a programming or scripting language. Interpreter do not require the program to be previously compiled into a machine language program. An interpreter translates high-level instructions into an intermediate form, which is then executes.

c. Using appropriate examples, describe three types of interfaces that are commonly used.


A boundary across which two independent systems meet and act on or communicate with each other. In computer technology, there are several types of interfaces.

  • User interface - the keyboard, mouse, menus of a computer system. The user interface allows the user to communicate with the operating system. Also see GUI.
  • Software interface - the languages and codes that the applications use to communicate with each other and with the hardware.
  • Hardware interface - the wires, plugs and sockets that hardware devices use to communicate with each other.

d. Compare and contrast between Workgroup Applications and Enterprise Applications.

The workgroup application is a terrific solution to specific problems; it is weak when the limitations are not well understood.

The enterprise application is more costly to start and requires more design and architecture but is more likely to bring higher and longer term value.

The final session of the workshop was focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Over the last decade, AI has grown from a pipe dream into the driving force behind the fourth industrial revolution.

a. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.

b. What are the various areas where AI can be used?

  • Virtual Assistant or Chatbots.

  • Agriculture and Farming.

  • Autonomous Flying.

  • Retail, Shopping and Fashion.

  • Security and Surveillance.

  • Sports Analytics and Activities.

  • Manufacturing and Production.

  • Live Stock and Inventory Management.

c. Differentiate between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence Machine learning
Artificial intelligence is a technology which enables a machine to simulate human behavior. Machine learning is a subset of AI which allows a machine to automatically learn from past data without programming explicitly.
The goal of AI is to make a smart computer system like humans to solve complex problems. The goal of ML is to allow machines to learn from data so that they can give accurate output.
In AI, we make intelligent systems to perform any task like a human. In ML, we teach machines with data to perform a particular task and give an accurate result.
Machine learning and deep learning are the two main subsets of AI. Deep learning is a main subset of machine learning.
AI has a very wide range of scope. Machine learning has a limited scope.
AI is working to create an intelligent system which can perform various complex tasks. Machine learning is working to create machines that can perform only those specific tasks for which they are trained.
AI system is concerned about maximizing the chances of success. Machine learning is mainly concerned about accuracy and patterns.
The main applications of AI are Siri, customer support using catboats, Expert System, Online game playing, intelligent humanoid robot, etc. The main applications of machine learning are Online recommender system, Google search algorithms, Facebook auto friend tagging suggestions, etc.
On the basis of capabilities, AI can be divided into three types, which are, Weak AI, General AI, and Strong AI. Machine learning can also be divided into mainly three types that are Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, and Reinforcement learning.
It includes learning, reasoning, and self-correction. It includes learning and self-correction when introduced with new data.
AI completely deals with Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

Machine learning deals with Structured and semi-structured data.

d. Discuss on five (5) benefits and five (5) drawbacks of developing Artificial Intelligence in this generation


Reduction in Human Error

Helping in Repetitive Jobs

Digital Assistance

Faster Decisions

Medical Applications

Difficult Exploration


High Cost

Replicating Humans

No Improvement with Experience

No Original Creativity


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