In: Computer Science
Defect Record Logging in PSP, discuss following in
this context.
Number, type, phase injected, phase removed, find/fix time,
Defect Recording Log:
In personal software process (PSP) defect record log is a register for the record of the defective or wrong enteries in to software system and Number, type, phase injected, phase removed, find/fix time, description are the contents of that log which kind of data can be stored into these entities are explained below.
1. Number
Number of each defect.For each program, use a sequential number starting with 1 (or 001, etc.).it simple numbering.
Enter the defect type from the defect type standard (also summarized in the top left corner of the Defect Recording Log).Use your judgment in selecting which type applies.
3.Phase injected
Enter the phase during which the defect was injected. Most often you created the defect during coding. Sometimes it's a deeper problem originating in design or analysis; Use your judgment.
4.Phase removed
Enter the phase during which the defect was removed. This would generally be the phase during which you found and fixed the defect.
5.Find/Fix time
Estimate or measure the time required to find and fix the defect. You can use a stop watch if you wish.
Write a succinct description of the defect.Make the description clear enough to later remind you about the error that caused the defect and why you made it.