
In: Accounting

the company sells a brand of low-fat shakes that appeal to people of all age groups...

the company sells a brand of low-fat shakes that appeal to people of all age groups and both genders. The company advertises this shake in a variety of 30-second television ads, and these ads can be placed in a variety of television shows. The ads in different shows vary by cost – some 30-second slots are much more expensive than others – and by the types of viewers they are likely to reach.

The company has segmented the potential viewers into six mutually exclusive categories: males age 18 to 35, males age 36 to 55, males over 55, females age 18 to 35, females age 36 to 55, and females over 55. A rating service can supply data on the numbers of viewers in each of these categories who will watch a 30-second ad on any particular television show. Each such viewer is called an exposure. The company has determined the required number of exposures it wants to obtain for each group. It wants to know how many ads to place on each of several television shows to obtain these required exposures at minimum cost.

The data on costs per ad, numbers of exposures per ad, and minimal required exposures are listed below, where numbers of exposures are expressed in millions, and costs are in thousands of dollars.

What should the company do?

TV Shows

Viewer Group

Game of Thrones

Walking Dead



Lifetime Evening Movie

The Voice



Minimal Required Exposure

Young Men










Mid-age Men










Senior Men










Young Women










Mid-age Women










Senior Women










Cost per Ad









How would you address the fact that multiple ads per show do not translate to multiple exposures for the show?


Expert Solution

Here, first let us undertand the question.

Lets take example of game of thrones.

Cost per ad of game of thrones is $ 150,000. It serves 24 million exposures in all age groups.

So, cost per exposure is = 0.00625 (150000/24000000). So, cost of one ad for young men group is 0.00625*3000000 = $ 18750

Same way cost per exposure for other ads are:-

Viewer group game of thrones walking dead homeland westworld lifetime evening movie the voice espn cnn
young men 18750 33333.33 35294.12 30769.23 600 4792 3000 666.67
mid age men 31250 20000 29400 12308 600 1368 3000 1333.33
senior men 25000 6666.66 17640 0 0 0 1800 2000
young women 18750 40000 5880 24616 3600 6156 600 666.67
mid age women 31250 26666.64 5880 12308 7800 684 600 1333.33
senior women 25000 13333.33 5880 0


0 0 2000
cost per ad 150000 140000 100000 80000 15000 13000 9000 8000

Now, for young men for 1 ad the cost is $ 127,205.35

For 1 ad on each show, young men will get 20.4 millions exposure. The minimum required is 60 million.

So, number of ads required for young men to get minimum exposure:-


=2.94 ads.

Just like that for other age group it is:-

Young men = 2.94

Mid age men = 3.75 (60/16)

Senior men = 3.26 (28/8.6)

Young women = 3.82 (60/15.7)

Mid age women = 4.38 (60/13.7)

Senior women = 3.64 (28/7.7)

So, total ads required = 21.79 ads = 22 ads

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