
In: Computer Science

1. Write an assembly language program that prompts the user for and reads four integers (x1,...

1. Write an assembly language program that prompts the user for and reads four integers (x1, y1, x2, y2) which represent the coordinates of two points. Make sure you keep track of which number is which.

2. Treat the line between the points as the radius of a sphere and compute the surface area of the sphere. Print the output with a label, such as “The surface area of the sphere is: …”. Hint: The distance between the points is the square root of ((x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 ). However, since you have to square the radius, to get the area, you don’t need to worry about the square root. To work with π, do what the text does on page 14. Use 314156 as π and do the calculations. At the end, divide by 100000 and the quotient is your answer. Note that the answer will be an integer, which is fine. Formula: Surface Area = 4πr2

3. Once part 2 is working properly, add code to treat the line between the points as the side of a cube and compute the surface area of the cube. The calculation is similar to what you did in part 2 except for the multiplication by π. Print the output with an appropriate label. Formula: Surface Area = 6*side2

4. Add labels above each of the calculation code segments such (sphere: and cube:). Add a menu to the program that prompts the user as follows: “To quit enter 0” “To calculate the surface area of a sphere enter 1” “To calculate the surface area of a cube enter 2” “Enter your choice:”

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This is what i have so far. I cant get the answer for the area of the sphere to print.

Im a beginner at this so can you show what im doing wrong.

       Prompt1: .asciiz "\nEnter the number for x1: "
       Prompt2: .asciiz "\nEnter the number for x2: "
       Prompt3: .asciiz "\nEnter the number for y1: "
       Prompt4: .asciiz "\nEnter the number for y2: "
       Prompt5: .asciiz "\nTo quit enter 0"
       Prompt6: .asciiz "\nTo calculate the surface area of a sphere enter 1"
       Prompt7: .asciiz "\nTo calculate the surface area of a cube enter 2"
       Prompt8: .asciiz "\nEnter your choice: "
       Prompt9: .asciiz "\nSurface area of sphere: "
       numPI: .double 314156.00
       num4: .double 4.00
       num1: .double 100000.00
   la $a0,Prompt1
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,7
   mov.d $f2,$f0
   la $a0,Prompt2
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,7
   mov.d $f4,$f0
   la $a0,Prompt3
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,7
   mov.d $f6,$f0
   la $a0,Prompt4
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,7
   mov.d $f8,$f0
   la $a0,Prompt5
   li $v0,4
   la $a0,Prompt6
   li $v0,4
   la $a0,Prompt7
   li $v0,4
   la $a0,Prompt8
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,5
   beq $v0,$0,end
   li $v0,10
   beq $v0,'S',sphere
   #((x2 – x1)2+ (y2 – y1)2)
   sub.d $f10,$f4,$f2 #x2-x1
   sub.d $f12,$f8,$f6 #y2-y1
   mul.d $f10,$f10,$f10 #squared
   mul.d $f12,$f12,$f12 #squared
   add.d $f14,$f10,$f12 #addition
   l.d $f20,num4
   l.d $f22,numPI
   mul.d $f16,$f20,$f22
   mul.d $f16,$f16,$f14
   l.d $f24,num1
   div.d $f16,$f16,$f24 #Surface area of the sphere
   #display Sphere prompt
   la $a0,Prompt9
   li $v0,4

   #display Surface Area
   li $v0,3


Expert Solution

Please find the code below::


prompt: .asciiz "\nEnter choice \n1 For circle\n2 For Square\n3 For rectangle \n0 for exit : " #prompt for string

msg : .asciiz "Invalid choice try again."

msg1 : .asciiz "Enter value x1 y1 x2 y2 below \n"

msg2 : .asciiz "Area of circle is : "

msg3 : .asciiz "Area of square is : "

msg4 : .asciiz "Area of rectangle is : "


loop: #loop for user choice

li $v0,4

la $a0,prompt #it will print prompt


li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t1,$v0 #store A in t1

#based on input jump to location

beqz $t1,exit

beq $t1,1,circle

beq $t1,2,square

beq $t1,3,rectangle

#if not any option show error

li $v0,4

la $a0,msg #it will print prompt


j loop


li $v0,4

la $a0,msg1 #it will print prompt


li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t1,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t2,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t3,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t4,$v0 #store A in t1

#values stored in t1 t2 t3 t4

sub $s0,$t1,$t3 #x2-x1

sub $s1,$t2,$t4 #y2-y1

mul $s0,$s0,$s0 #square

mul $s1,$s1,$s1 #square

add $s2,$s0,$s1 #add

mul $s2,$s2,314156 #mul by pi

div $s2,$s2,100000 #divide by 100000

li $v0,4

la $a0,msg2 #it will print prompt


li $v0,1

move $a0,$s2


j loop #loop for next

#same for square


li $v0,4

la $a0,msg1 #it will print prompt


li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t1,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t2,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t3,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t4,$v0 #store A in t1

sub $s0,$t1,$t3

sub $s1,$t2,$t4

mul $s0,$s0,$s0

mul $s1,$s1,$s1

add $s2,$s0,$s1

li $v0,4

la $a0,msg3 #it will print prompt


li $v0,1

move $a0,$s2


j loop

#same for rectangle


li $v0,4

la $a0,msg1 #it will print prompt


li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t1,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t2,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t3,$v0 #store A in t1

li $v0,5

syscall #ask user input

move $t4,$v0 #store A in t1

sub $s0,$t1,$t3

sub $s1,$t2,$t4

mul $s2,$s0,$s1

li $v0,4

la $a0,msg4 #it will print prompt


li $v0,1

move $a0,$s2


j loop


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