
In: Nursing

Some assisted living communities, especially in urban areas, specialize in certain demographics; for example, a home...

Some assisted living communities, especially in urban areas, specialize in certain demographics; for example, a home specifically for Chinese residents. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a community devoted to a specific cultural group, and a “melting pot” community that blends various cultural backgrounds.

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Expert Solution

A community is a group of individuals who share core set of beliefs , norms and tradition. It may be large or small but they are identified by their behavior and thinking.


1. . SPIRIT OF UNITY - The people of specific culture group have sense of belongingness . They have spirit of unity and togetherness. Also they have common diet , lifestyles and they come together whenever any emergency arises .

2. Sharing of resources - They share Resources which are available and promotes cost effective living and promote sustainability and also Improve quality of standard of living

3. Cooperation and Mutual trust- The people in specific culture group lives with cooperation and have mutual trust and their living style complement trust and their living style complement each other, which promotes nature of cooperation when in need .4. It Improve security at every level of society.


1. UNIYED KNOWLEDGE -. Specific culture group generally use traditional methods of livingand have limited knowledge , they hesitate to explore to new knowledge and are reluctant to change

2. STAGNANT - Specific group are reluctant to change and does not easily accept changes and live a stagnant lifestyle ,uses their traditional and backward method of living.

3. RESTRICTED SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS -. These Communities have restricted social network , their norms and beliefs does not allow them to interact with other , which reduces the opportunities of improving their lifestyle

MELTING POT - It is metaphor that implies melting of various culture and ethnicities in one area or country. USA is an example of mulipot as it is third largest country in area and population with various subcultures. In America there is fusion of nationalities, Culture and ethnicities.

ADVANTAGES- everyone share the same identity and face less conflicts and tensions

DISADVANTAGS- it may force behaviour changes through legislation, it may cause loss of their customs and tradition.

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