In: Operations Management
Revenues (Inflows)
(use a Pharmacy or doctor office as example please )
1.Working for a dentist means that you would be accustomed to a lot of people coming with removing their cavities,getting their braces or for normal checkups.The revenue is realized only after services are delivered although there are exception in case of ordering products or items which are required for the dentist to perform his/her duty as a doctor.A doctor office generally charges you post your appointment for his service rendered and not for a product hence it is charged after it is executed.
2.The grouping which the organization uses (in this case i.e.Dentist) means it is following service line grouping of revenue wherein it is realized post execution or rendering of services.They chose this grouping since it is the existing norm and also it is what is considered ethical in the medical parlance.It is also because whether the doctor accepts the patient or not as legally they can refuse if the patient needs the consultation of another doctor .Once the doctor accepts the fees he is also required to maintain complete privacy and offer his best advice after taking informed consent of his condition and its level of seriousness.A cancer patient can't be treated by a gynecologist although both are doctors.Doctors have to follow the cash basis of accounting instead of accrual basis wherein revenue is earned only post service rendered.
This is probably the best choice wherein they can also refuse to accept fees for some low income families or whether they accept or refuse the patient if they do not fit the area of practice the doctor is adept in.Hence since doctors are considered social workers it is the best choice to accept fees post service is rendered.