In: Nursing
Dehydration, hypovolemia and hemorrhage all lead to decrease in
blood volume.
When blood volume decreases, the blood flow to the kidneys reduces.
This stimulates kidneys to release renin which acts on the liver to
produce angiotensinogen. The angiotensinogen is further converted
to angiotensin l by renin. Angiotensin l is then converted to
angiotensin ll to in the presence of angiotensin converting enzyme.
The angiotensin then acts on the adrenal gland to release
aldosterone. Aldosterone then acts on blood vessels to constrict
and increases reabsorption of sodium and water from renal tubules.
Aldosterone further acts on pituitary gland to release ADH which
increases water retention. This results in increasing blood volume
and water conservation which helps in correcting hemorrhage,
hypovolemia and dehydration.
The adrenal gland also gets activated and release adrenaline and
noradrenaline to increase sympathetic activity. This results
vasoconstriction and increased myocardial activity to increase
stroke volume and cardiac output. This also helps in increasing
blood volume.
So the organs that help in correcting homeostatic imbalances in
dehydration, hypovolemia or Hemorrhage are :
B) the kidneys
C) the adrenal glads